GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! I'm so irritated. There is no way to edit the relationship from mother to wife or anything like that. Does anyone know how to add an accidentally skipped generation on here? Basically, I accidentally put someone as a mother instead of his wife and then added a gazillion other people to her line so that I can just delete it and add it to the other guy. I tried looking under the relationship tab but nothing useful there.
Can anyone help me?
I've had the same problem and it's holy horrors. I totally feel your pain.
For me it wasn't a "pending merge" issue either as this was my own tree fixing my own mistake. I think (can't swear to it since I was swearing so much) I fixed it the way Lori suggested above. Or I gave up and live with the "sorry having those parents would split the tree" message.
Shmuel and Lori,
If you know of a step by step way to correct erroneous parentage, please post it. The Geni knowledge base shows how to move children to other parentage but not how to add different ones.