Are their supposed to two "Gabriels" in Moaes Willing's name?

Started by Private on Friday, June 11, 2010
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6/11/2010 at 1:36 PM

Family Page
Mozes Gabriel Willing, birth 1 May 1786 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':

on 10 Ijar 5546 [8 May 1786] - circumcision of Moshe ben Gabriel ben Moshe Winnig., son of Gabriel Mozes Winnig and Reijna Rana Salomon Zelig
Married 1805 Amsterdam, dtb 653/363; witn.groom: m.Schoontje[?] Salomon; witn.bride: m.Naatje Isaac. to:

Goedje Gutche Salomon Zelig Ketellapper Relez-Levie, birth 1785 Amsterdam, daughter of Salomon Zelig Mozes Relez-Levie and Anna Nissel Isaac Itsak/ Peper Ketellappe

1) Salomon Zelig Mozes Willing-Levie, birth 5 Jan 1807 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 12 Jan 1807 - circumcision of Zelig ben Moshe at Uilenburg.

2) Rachel Rechla Mozes Willing, birth 12 Apr 1809 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 12 Apr 1809 - birth of Rechla bat Moshe ben Gabriel.
Married 4 Feb 1835 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam: Mozes Andries Slap, 29 yrs.old, son of Andries Hijman Slap & Judic [Jacob?] Salomon v.d.Vorm, and
Rachel Mozes Willing, 24 yrs.old, daughter of Moses Gabriel Willing & Goetje Salomon.
The child Jansje Willing, b. 2 Jul 1833, is recognised as daughter of the couple.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma, Utah, U.S.A.) to:
Mozes Andries Slap, birth ± 1805 Amsterdam, son of Andries Anshil Hijman Chaim Slap Hekscher and Judith Gittele Jacob Akiba Salomon v.d.Vorm Holzman

3) Branca Brein Mozes Willing, birth 27 Mar 1811 Amsterdam, 'Circumcisions and Births in Amsterdam 1697-1811, by Jits v.Straten':
on 27 Mar 1811 - birth of Brein bat Moshe ben Gabriel; child's mother:Gitche bat Zelig Naskitel [paternal grandmother's family name].

4) Isaac Mozes Willing, birth ± 1815 Amsterdam
Married 2 Dec 1835 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam: Isaac Moses Willing, 20 yrs.old, son of Moses Gabriel Willing & Goetje Salomon Peper[?], and
Anna Alexander de Haas, 20 yrs.old, daughter of Alexander Manuel de Haas & Esther v.Kil [?]
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma, Utah, U.S.A.) to:
Anna Alexander de Haas, birth ± 1815 Amsterdam, daughter of Alexander Ziskind Emanuel Mendele de Haas Levie and Hester Jacob Akiba Salomon v.Kil

5) Rijntje Mozes Willing, birth ± 1817 Amsterdam
Married 14 Apr 1841 Amsterdam, G.A.A. Amsterdam: Levi Raphael, 27 yrs.old, born in Utrecht, son of Isaak Raphael & Grietje Herschel, and
Rijntje Moses Willing, 23 yrs.old, daughter of Moses Gabriel Willing & Goetje Salomon Ketellapper.
(info courtesy of Dini Hansma, Utah, U.S.A.) to:
Levi Isaac Raphael, birth ± 1813 Utrecht, son of Isaac Raphael and Grietje Levie Herschel

6) Nathan Mozes Willing, birth ± 1821 Amsterdam
Married 11 Oct 1843 Amsterdam, from: Fresco-Brilleman file on synagogual marriages (synagogual marriage on 3 Dec 1843):
Nathan Mozes Willing, 22 yrs.old, son of Mozes Gabriel Willing z.l. & Goetje Salomon Natkiel[?, her paternal grandma's name], and
Dina Jacob Slaager, 28 yrs.old, daughter of Jacob Machiel Slaager z.l.& Rachel Zadok v.Praag. to:
Dina Jacob Slaager, birth ± 1815 Amsterdam, died 1849 Amsterdam, 'Dina Jacob Slagter/Katsav, wife of Nathan Mozes Willing', daughter of Jacob Michiel Slager Katsav and Rachel Zadok v.Praag

6/11/2010 at 3:35 PM

I think the right name to use is: Mozes Gabriel WILLING. Just one Gabriel too much!

Private User
6/12/2010 at 1:59 AM

More than likely, one profile had first names Mozes Gabriel, and no middle name, and another profile had first name Mozes and middle name Gabriel. Then when they were merged someone took Mozes Gabriel as the first name from the first profile, and Gabriel as the middle name from the second profile.

This happens a lot on Geni.

I try to spot this kind of thing when I merge profiles, but it's easy to miss if you don't check the profile listing and only look at the tree.

6/12/2010 at 4:18 AM

Dear David and Albertus,

Thanks for your comments.

Shabbat shalom,


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