Please say prayers for my family that have been told that Robert Castillo, my brother on my dad's side, has terminal cancer. Arrangements are in the process so that he can come home to be cared for. Robert has two adult children, Nick and Jessica and through his son, Nick, the possibility of our last name, Castillo, could continue on. There are other brothers, but they don't have sons.
Beautiful green eyes and wonderful sense of humor.
This is the stage of life that is very difficult to see a loved one suffer in their journey to eternal life. Robert will be at my dad's house and my sisters' Cleo and Margie and the girls, along with my Dad and his wife will certainly need help and definitely prayers, too.
Prayer for Those With Cancer
Bless, O God,
all who struggle with cancer.
Empower them with hope
for each and every day.
Provide them with loving
and tender care, laughter,
and the support of love.
Grant them
courage when they are afraid,
comfort when they are in pain,
and your blessing
when all else seems hopeless,
that in their fight with illness
they may continue to praise you
and glorify your name.
- Vienna Cobb Anderson