As far as for why he did this, he is Russian, and that profile you gave was for a Russian person. I suggest use his edit, and add the Latin spelling to each name (first, mid, last) without deleting the Russian spelling.
As far as non-Cyrillic speakers, there's no excuse, but I don't know if he's doing that.
There is a very long discussion about him here:
He was suspended for a period of time, but is back just recently.
We do not know why, but I will get back to you as soon as I get an answer from geni staff.
(Important to know: we would like Lalu (he calls himself Lalu) to accept the name-standards and when using cyrillic alphabeth a l s o use the latin alphabeth. He has, however in many cases erased all information, not only the names but also the "about me"-information and nicknames information. And replaced them with bulgarian (yes, he is bugarian) information (bulgarian is written with the cyrillic alphabeth as is russian) This is not acceptable.
It is however possible that the language/translation-project will make it possible to add information in any laguage or alphabeth and possible to translate to your own language at all times. In that case, the alphabeth-discussion is not needed anymore!
But there still a question of hijacking profiles and deleting important information.)
if the vast majority of people who read the tree, can no longer read these profiles, then yes this is deliberate sabotage. Some of these profiles that he is changing, have DOZENS of managers, i.e. they are hardly solely his to mess with. Many parts of the tree are multilingual, having names and "about me" sections in many languages. METEB refuses to recognize these standards, and often deletes extensive amounts of information entered by others. He HAS in fact been slapped on the wrist a number of times by Geni Staff, but refuses to play nice.