Patronimic marriage record

Started by Jacob Michael Gryn on Sunday, June 27, 2010
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Profiles Mentioned:

Herszla Fiszel Cyrla Fiszel
Year Date of akt Type Akt number Surname Patronymic Assumed Surname Given Name Age Father's given name Father's age Mother's given name Mother's Surname/Patronymic Msurn assigned Mother's age House Profession Town LDS Film# Comments

1811 2-Aug-1811 M 11 FISLER [FISZEL] Lewek 18 Herszla Laja 757303 born 18-Sep-1792 (r. Bedzin 18-Jul-1811)
1811 2-Aug-1811 M 11 OPENHAYM Cyrla 21 Mosiek Gitla [SPIRO] 757303 born 14-Apr-1789(r. Bedzin 18-Jul-1811)

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