What a wonderful uncle...

Started by Private User on Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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  • Private User
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Private User
6/29/2010 at 12:00 AM

Uncle Sol was very special to me in many ways, both as a child and as an adult. As a child growing up in a very close family centered around Grandma Ida and Grandpa Isaac, Uncle Sol was a person who stood out because he had a strong voice and strong opinions. When the family got together on weekends he was usually at the center of conversation and he was not afraid to defend his positions and thoughts intelligently and passionately. Family was very important to him. When someone was out of line he was never bashful at telling it like it is. I remember him once saying to my brother Stuart (when he had not heard from him in a long time)..."Stuart, do you have a dime?" At first my brother seemed confused and he did not know what to say. Uncle Sol said "...I'll give you a dime so you'll have enough money to call me sooner next time!" When it came to business, Uncle Sol was as clever and inventive as they get. He had the unique ability to foresee things coming and capitalize on this knowledge to make money. Some of the businesses he started and succeeded at were the skirt pleating business, tie manufacturing, after market seat belt manufacturing, after market automobile theft prevention device, automobile lamp distribution. He knew how to promote a product inexpensively and capitalize on this to achieve the best results. He kept his overhead low by performing the sales, purchasing, shipping, administrative, and warhouse functions mostly on his own. Quite a feat. With the help of Aunt Lil, he did what most companies would do with a large staff of people. My Uncle Sol was an inspiration for me. He was a wonderful father to his two children, Lanny and Ralph. In his older years he continued to be outspoken about the things he believed in and enjoyed...family, politics, business, and sports. He had a wonderful heart under that strong exterior. I respected his help and advice he gave me when I was going through some difficult personal and business crises. He has been an infpiration to me and has affected my life in many positive ways. He will always be my Uncle Sol and his memory will last in me forever.

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