One of my ancestors, Geni tells is my '8 th uncle '- and he is , but he is my ancestor, too, and the brother of another of my ancestors. I think it would be natural that it appears that he is my '7th grandfather'. This is just one of many examples that Genis' gives us the shortest line between two profiles - and not 'pure' lines of ancestors if they exist. It is obviously not a problem as long as you are in more familiar sections, but I think it gives a false impression of a connection to other users / profiles, which are unknown. Perhaps you think this is petitesse, but I would like to hear if other users have an idea how to see if there exists a pure line of ancestors between two persons, - in an easy way . - I am aware of the list of descendants but I think it is very slow and a little confusing and difficult to use.
En af mine aner fortæller Geni mig er min 8. onkel - og det er han, men han er også min ane og bror til en af mine andre aner. Jeg synes det ville være naturligt at Geni skrev han var min 7. bedstefar. Dette er et af mange eksempler på at Geni giver os den korteste linje mellem to profiler - og ikke en 'ren anelinje', når en sådan eksisterer. Det er selvfølgelig ikke noget problem så længe man er i en personkreds man kender godt, men jeg synes det giver et forkert indtryk af forbindelsen til brugere/profiler som er nye for een. Måske er det i småtingsafdelingen, men jeg ville gerne høre om andre brugere har et forslag til hvordan man hurtigt kan se om der er en ren slægtslinje mellem to personer. - Jeg er bekendt med listen over en persons efterkommere, men synes den er langsommelig og uoverskuelig..
venlig hilsen
Ellen Marie
Ellen Marie,
Thanks for taking the time to write your message in both languages. :-)
We (Geni) hope to address this issue when we also enhance paths to show both inlaw and blood relations -- I just responded to that issue in our forum:
I'll ammend the work ticket to also include your use case (non-ancestor blood relation being closer than the ancestor relation)