Merge Error Duplicate

Started by Private User on Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Problem with this page?


  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
7/14/2010 at 4:23 PM

Please note: A merge error occurred here (Mary has gained a duplicate of herself (?) as her own [extra] spouse). I've tried to fix this but have not been able to do so yet. I've consulted with another collaborator on this as well. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. Thanks for reading - Kim Odenweller

Private User
7/14/2010 at 5:32 PM

I fixed it. This seems to happen often - I think it's a bug in Geni...

Private User
7/14/2010 at 6:11 PM

Thanks Peter! :)

Private User
7/14/2010 at 8:36 PM

Private User,
Thanks for helping Kim out. I worked away from my home office today and couldn't get to it.

Private User
7/14/2010 at 8:54 PM

Thanks again to all for the help...

Private User
7/15/2010 at 7:30 AM

You're welcome!

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