I Dorothy Bumpus had No Real Sisters. Alberta Marie Garrells is a half sister. Her Mother was Mary Irene Garrells Her Father WAS NOT FRED RUNYON. Also Mary Powell and Grace Powell is STEP SISTERS Charles Powell is a DECEASED STEP BROTHER Mother is Daisy(Powell)Runyon Daisy married Fred Runyon in 1954 Daisy and Fred Runyon had a son named arthur Runyon which is a half brother.If you would like me to tell you PLEASE GET THE INFORMATION RIGHT BEFORE Putting in on the site. David Bumpus is Divorce from Roberta Parker. Douglas is Divorce from Debra and Diane is Divorce from David WilsonJr. Diane husband is Jamie Fox and Kipfer has been Jamies Son since the Marriage of Diane and Jamie. Please change the information or talk to me. Dorothy Runyon Fred Runyon and Mary Irene Birch Garrells Daughter. THank you