frank n schillinger

Started by franklin schillinger on Sunday, July 25, 2010
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my husband's name is Franklin otto schillinger sr. He is born in Fredricktown missouri
son of frank n schillinger and delphia bailey or schillinger (bailey) is her maiden name.
he was born on december 20, 1955. His mother would not help him find his dad. He
did not even know he was a schillinger until he was 18 years old. when he was a little boy,
his mom moved all over the us. frank believes his mom was trying to keep him from his
dad. frank finally was able to contact donald dick which was his dad's uncle we went to his
house and as soon as he seen my husband, he knew it was franks son. we went to the
graveyard to visit his grave, we believe we saw his wife vera. she was crying and we did
not approach her. we did not want to upset her. she had an arm sling on. she had two
women with her maybe her daughters. he wonders if he has any brothers or sisters. we
would appreciate being contacted by someone in the family, would love to know more
about his dad, and grand parents, we were told that he died in the cozy court motel,
would like more information about that also.our email is
our phone number is 573 883 2952 thank you so much. hope to hear from you soon.

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