EUSEBY ISHAM b? - d. 1546

Started by Private on Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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euseby is in 3 diff generations. only one is correct. i added him as sussanah's brother, son of henry isham & joan catylene(sp).
the whole isham tree seems to be messed up and with so many people having their settings set , so the profiles cannot be merged / moved or duplicates removed by others, it's just impossible to deal with.
when you go into the trees there needs to be a way to make corrections without notifying & waiting on others.
geni needs to automatically open up all profiles of the deceased. there is no way this portion of the tree can be corrected otherwise. this applies all over the tree. not just with the isham's. giles poulton does not even seem to belong, yet he is shown as henry isham's son.??????. i have not found a record of his parents.


Euseby ‘Enseby’ Isham


In the "about me" (overview) tab of this profile, can you put in the correct pedigree / descendancy, and the URL for a website that is accurate? Then I can help you better.

I have my collaborators on "automerge" so if you drop down and my name shows, it will at least make it a bit faster.

I formally requested that DISALLOW private profiles in the historical tree. If you agree, please post there, where geni staff will see it better:
is not too bad.....the problem is euseby occurs multiple times in different generations.....but it is not the right euseby. euseby#1 b.1486,euseby #2 b1553, euseby#3 b 1626. similar thing with henry's. without dates & locations it is hard to keep them straight & in proper generation. i would work on this but geni needs to unlock them all.
i just ran into this particular tree problem so i have not verified the veracity of the tree or trees. isham's are well documented.

Hi Jon,

So I'm working with Ofir Friedman on the earlier portions of the tree (before Euseby), as errors seem to percolate down from the oldest dates. You are correct that the family is well documented (in books, anyway). :)

Just wanted to let you know that you may not see much action yet, but it will get there.

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