Grandfather not father

Started by Joseph Frederick Strausman on Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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8/11/2010 at 8:39 PM

I have just realized that William Coombs (b. 1736 d. 1814) is GRANDfather of Philip Coombs (b. 1803 d. 1871) not the father. The father of Philip Coombs is also named Philip Coombs, however, I have William listed as the father. How can I add in another Philip as the father and put William as the grandfather as it should be?

Capt. William Coombs, Sr.

Philip Henry Coombs, III

Private User
8/11/2010 at 10:54 PM

i always ask geni. seems i can never get it straight without them guiding me through.

Joseph, turn the problem around. :-D
Add a NEW Philip Coombs as his BROTHER and then change Philip II to be his son, by editing the Relationship tab in his profile or in the tree view.

Private User
8/12/2010 at 5:16 AM

how is that working, Joseph? Did that advice help?

8/12/2010 at 12:12 PM

Yes, thank you Shmuel. I'm not entirely sure if I did what you said right, but whatever I did, it worked haha.

Private User
8/13/2010 at 7:29 AM

good that it did the trick, Joseph. Good job!

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