I glanced at my home page this morning and was surprised to find the message
" Gary Feldman merged duplicate profiles for Sarah POTTS, Mary Seaman, MARY SPRAGG, Phillippa Cornwallis and 2 others, Mary Boleyn (Royal mistress) and Moses Embree, III « less. about an hour ago "
The reason I was surprised is that I was definitely asleep then, and, in fact, I do not remember doing any merges for the past few days. I certainly would have remembered doing a merge to Mary Boleyn since she is one of my favorite ladies, having been a mistress to both the king of England and the king of France.
As far as I know, I do not have any auto accepts turned on. When I looked at the revisions tab on each of these profiles, I find that I had done a merge, but some time ago. Most were on September 9, one was on August 25, and one on September 14. Some more recent activity by others is noted in the revisions, but nothing in the time frame of the note.
I've noticed this too, and I *suspect* (but am not 100% sure) that what this is is crediting you with merges you "stacked" but that someone else completed. You might have stacked them (suggested and then created a pending merge) a year ago, but if I (for instance) completed the merge while you were sleeping, I think Geni is crediting *you* with the merge.
Noah Tutak or Mike Stangel? Is this the way merges are being counted now--by the stacker rather than the completer?
Since merging is a two-part process, this adds to the confusion.
I have been going the the merge issues and I started backwards (doing the older first) I have found merges that have been waiting for approval all the way back to last year(look at the original merge date bottom right corner) (jun 2009 I think was the earliest) So your message may simply be the fact that merges are finally getting done under the new system.
I still have 1600 merges to go thru and I've seen people saying they have 8000 or more. Right now most people are doing the default, the newer ones first, reverse the order and get some of those older ones done and I think things will get straight at lot sooner.
@ Marvin, I've also been focusing on the earliest ones dating back to January 2009
the notifications I'm getting (and a lot of them, but that's another story) are all about new merges from the last couple of days.
I do know them wel;l since I've been responsible for the "stacking" of them, while trying to sort things out in some trees.