I sent a suggestion/question to Geni - and "they" asked me to post it here for other Geni users to comment on....:--
Could it be possible for the Curators to First "Fix" the Profiles -- and Then merge them?
I believe that an art museum Curator would first be concerned with establishing that the piece of art was "correct" (real/original, etc.). Then, once they were sure of its validity, they would be interested in acquiring as many of these correct/real/original "paintings" as possible.
It would seem that by merging profiles first -- no matter how "wrong" they may be -- might be counter-productive -- since so many people might become frustrated or angry that they now have thousands of profiles/ancestors with questionable provenance.
Would it be Possible to change the "method"?
Is the purpose of Geni to connect with Real ancestors and/or cousins? Or, is it only to have lots of people you can Say are relatives, whether true or not?
Please consider this. Thank you.