request to update your & people 's B'day/ and other happy ocassions, you are sure

Started by Private User on Sunday, October 3, 2010
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Private User
10/3/2010 at 6:34 PM

Now a days when every one is so busy ,that it becomes impossible to see each other ,not having time to say hello to each other on even on phone . So atleast make best use of this plateform of GENI , we can have opportunity to make our contact alive, just by iwishing , happy returns of the day on such occassions .
Its my floating suggestion .
Ashutosh Sharma

just wanted to tell you that you made this a PUBLIC discussion. It can be seen by ALL Geni users (and Google). It is actually LESS likely that your family will see this. So you MIGHT want to delete your comment, and start over with a new Family Discussions which are only visible to your Family-Group.

Shmuel Aharon Kam,
Geni Curator

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