Moving through discussion topics

Started by Marsha Gail Kamish on Friday, October 22, 2010
Problem with this page?


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Does anyone else mind that they've removed the next and previous discussion links?

I've tried using CTRL and then click, which opens another tab but then I have to close that tab and then the discussion I clicked stays blue instead of clearing.

Is there an easier way to get through all the discussions without having to add lots of steps? There are 42 discussions waiting for me to read them but I don't want to waste my time go back and forth.

Such a stupid thing to 'fix' something that wasn't broken.

I asked for a search option for discussions.

Discussion search will be in the testing phase in the next few days. We hope to roll it out to all users in the next week or two.

I'm with you, girl!

Woo-hoo! Discussion search.

I read gems of wisdom left about by all of you grand thinkers and then can't find them again because you are all such prolific writers!

Noah Tutak - How can I test Discussion Search?

oh Jenna! do we have you fooled! words of wisdom! Thanks for starting my day with a chuckle.

Noah, the "Back to Public Discussions" and "Back to Curator Discussions" links are totally unnecessary. All you have to do is click the tab at the top, which is near those links, and you're back a the main list. Why keep these links cluttering up the interface and not keep the two that actually did something you can't do easily without them????

And both link and tab go back to page 1 of the main list, if "Back to Public / Curator Discussions" would take you to the page you were on before, it would make sense, but it doesn't.

I would like "Back to Public Discussions", at the bottom instead of the top. If you're at the top, you can click "Public Discussions" or More - Discussions. When you are done with a discussion, you're not at the top though. So, to get back, you have to go to the top and click. The navigation should be at the bottom.

I agree with Brendan, and you already have a REPLY at the top and the bottom of the discussion. Only the bottom one is necessary because that is where you reply to!

I more to add - Search is needed, so glad it's being tested. I need a way to view only unread discussions.

Like Marsha, I also have a lot of discussions to go through. Catching up. My unread discussions go back 5 pages. I look at a discussion and it's now at the top of the 1st page. Click the next, read it and it's now also at the top of the 1st page. Logical, of course. But, every time I leave a discussion, it goes back to page 1. When page 1 is all read, I have to click through the various pages to find an unread discussion. Click it, finish reading, go back to page 1. Rinse and repeat. I want page 1 to only have unread.

As long as we're on the topic, I have two options when looking at a discussion. Go to the first post or the last post. I want to go to the first post that I haven't seen though. Would be great if that were an option.

And, lastly, I understand email notification changing from 1 for every post to 1 per day. But, if I post a reply, I would like the email sent flag to reset to zero. I can post something and have a response in 5 minutes, 2 hours... I won't be notified for 24 hours (unless it happens to work out). If I reply, I would like to get an email when someone replies. Then, no email for 24 hours is fine, until I reply again. Once I reply again, the next response will trigger an email.

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