Hey Singles!
I start this discussion group for you to pitch in and put in your considered opinion or pose a question for others to answer. Indian singles are slowly dividing into two groups.
1. First, those who still believe in arranged marriage where parents get involved and examine profiles of prospective spouses first and checkout family back ground, social status, qualifications,likes and dislikes, skills, and future occupational or family life style preferences, physical compatibility, potentials and shortcomings and then after initial filtering show the proposed list to their wards for their own scrutiny, match expectations. All this followed by personal interviews which does not last more than an hour at the most and they should say whether they like the match or not. The wedding planning and organizing is shared with many members of both family and the children are also consulted on major issues as to the style or standards of reception or religious ceremony they prefer.
2. There are those youngsters who believe that they should themselves choose their partners. Date them, for some years, get to know each other and their analyzing potentials and problems they might have, check toleration limit of differences in each other's choices of religion, culture, music, books, movies, food, dress, and other habits, and life style. They get to discuss each other's choice of having children and how to raise them.
They prefer to arrange their own wedding and just invite their parents, families and friends of their choice.
There are pros and cons for both kind of choices. I invite you all to put your thoughts and get this discussion rolling. In the meanwhile, the main purpose of this discussion is to let all the singles in our circle to get to know the potential bride or groom and get to know them better through this discussion. Come on down the isle of wedding heading