this is very much a question of personal comfort with having this information "on display" to the world. Some people prefer to keep the profiles of people "recently" deceased private, as they feel this also protects their own privacy. I think they are wrong in this because the vast majority of this information is already in the public domain. But as I said, it's more about personal comfort/choice than anything else.
Rolana, you can never guarantee that any action you take "isn't going to upset anyone".
As Michael says, public = public. But private does not necessarily mean as private as some people think. Rolana, you said: "My understanding is that if a profile is marked private it can't be seen by others". True the details of a private profile cannot be seen by others outside your defined Geni "family", but the existence of the profile and its close relatives can still be seen in the search engine, even for so-called "private" profiles. Pick any surname at random and stick in the search name box and you will see what I mean: you can see lots of close family information for lots of "private" profiles on Geni.
I'm really thinking about other people being able to connect their family to mine if we share the same great aunt say. If all my profiles are private how can they find them? I can see not making my parents, mine or my children's profiles public, but I don't think one should post anything they don't want the internet at large to see online to begin with. I suppose though there could be a whole lot of skeletons in closets with a family tree but at what point do those skeletons stop being relevant to anything aside from a historical side note
I think the key differences between private and public are:
1. More information can be seen by people who are not in your Geni family group on public profiles than private profiles.
2. If you are not in the family group of the profile manager, you can't navigate round private profiles in tree view, and can't generally click through from one profile to another in profile view.
3. Only your family group can edit and merge private profiles, whereas public profiles can be edited and merged by collaborators and curators.
I think I got that right.
In the shared historic tree, there are many people trying to edit and merge profiles, and private profiles get in the way and are inappropriate.
In your own closer family, it's really your choice.