From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bent-12#Who_was_Martha.2C_wife_of_Joh...
Who was Martha, wife of John Bent?
Was Martha, wife of John Bent, of the Blanchard family? Helen Schavett Ullmann says not in this brief article in the NEHGR, Vol 153 page 219. "there is a gap in the Wyhill registers" and "The surname of his wife Martha is unknown." Thomas Blanchard is identified as the husband of John Bent's sister Agnes, leading to confusion. John and Martha Bent accompanied Peter Noyes to New England, and they named a son Peter. Ms Ullmann raises the possibility that Martha may have been connected to the Noyes family. [4]
4. Some Notes on John Bent of Sudbury, Massachusetts, vol 153, page 219-220 of NEHGR