Agnes Johnston

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Agnes Johnston

Birthplace: Scotland (United Kingdom)
Death: 1484 (37-46)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gilbert Johnston and Elizabeth de Johnston, of Meny
Wife of Alexander Abercrombie, of Pitmedden
Mother of Alexander Abercrombie, of Pitmedden and James Abercromby
Sister of Alexander Johnston
Half sister of William de Johnston, Laird of Crimond

Managed by: Jeffery David Abercrombie
Last Updated:

About Agnes Johnston


Evidence from the National Records of Scotland

26 September 1472: Instrument of resignation by Agnes Johnstoun [Johnston], wife of Alexander Abircromy [Abercromby], laird of Ley, in hands of Thomas, bishop of Aberdeen, of lands of Ditouch and Braco, in lordship of Galcholis, sheriffdom of Banff, for new infeftment in favour of herself and her said spouse, and of Alexander Abircromy [Abercromby], their son, and Jonet Ogilvy, daughter of James Ogilvy of Deskfurde [Deskford], his [future] spouse. Notary: Robert Leis [Lees], priest, Aberdeen diocese. Procurator: Walter Ogilvy of Auchlevin.
Witnesses; Thomas [Spens]. bishop of Aberdeen, sirs and masters Duncan Lichtoun [Lichton], chancellor, Robert Stewart, archdeacon, Andrew Liel [Lyell], treasurer, Thomas Waus [Vaus] and John Myrtoun [Myrton], canons of Aberdeen. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Abercromby Family of Forglen and Birkenbog, reference GD185/1/1

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Agnes Johnston's Timeline

Scotland (United Kingdom)
Banff, Banffshire, Scotland
Age 42
Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom