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Albert Oja

Swedish: Albert Johansson Oja
Also Known As: "Mäen Albe"
Birthplace: Kainulasjärvi, Tärendö, Pajala, Norrbotten County, Sweden
Death: after 1924
Canada? (Missing)
Immediate Family:

Son of Johan Mickelsson Oja and Brita Stina Mickelsdotter Wiss
Husband of Mary Wilhelmina Oja
Father of Jenny Elisabet Vihonen and Albert Oja
Brother of Isak Johansson Oja; Johan Robert Johansson Oja; Josefina Johansdotter Oja; Levi Johansson Oja; Karl Johansson Oja, d.ä. and 7 others

Occupation: Miner, Gold Prospect
Managed by: Charlotte Karlsson
Last Updated:

About Albert Oja

It's been told that Albert emigrated via the port of Narvik (incorrect), and then met his brother-in-law, Oskar Uusitalo in America. Oskar later bought Albert's inherited land in Kainulasjärvi and built his farm there along with his wife, Selma.'

From my (Fabian's) conversations with a great grandchild of Albert in Canada, he was described as a "ne'er do well"; One who isn't good for anything. He treated his family very poorly and later left them. Nobody knows exactly what happened to Albert later in life, but his children (Jenny and Albert) have had their theories.

Jenny and Albert were fully convinced of their father being the same individual as the infamous Canadian legend, "The Mad Trapper of Rat River". A man who was chased by the RCMP for two months through some of Canada's harshest wilderness, with temperatures often dropping below -40°C. Many details line up, such as that Albert had spoken about going to Canada, to prospect for gold in the early 30's. He was also described by fellow prospectors as being a bit paranoid and asocial, preferring sticking to himself, like "The Mad Trapper"

Story from "Juttuja, outuja ja tuttuja" - written by Nisse Gramner
". . . The emigrants couldn't always land a job during the first period of time in the new country. One of those were Axel (Siverhall), who was unemployed for over a month. Most people found work as miners in the multiple mines in the area (Calumet, Michigan). Axel eventually started working at the same mine as his brother Herman. Albert Oja had also been working there for a while.
- Albert, that boy was a real fribble. I don't know what became of him. Later on he was married and living in Idaho, Axel says when the question of Albert was brought up in conversation.
The true fate of Albert Oja is not known. Though, there has been circulating rumours on that he died under tragic circumstances. Was he thrown into the sea on a cold, dark night? Whether or not that's the case is uncertain, but it has nevertheless been suggested. Albert had a daughter in the U.S. (as well as a son bearing the same name)"

Tärendö, Births- and baptisms 1882-1894
"Albert, born 10/5-1884; baptized 2/3-1885. Son to Oja, Mikelsson Johan, farmer & wife Brita Stina in Kainulasjärvi"

Tärendö, Parish Cathetical Meeting 1897-1911
In column 23, on the list of absent p.3, Albert is noted as follows:
"Albert Joh:sson Oja, worker. Ditto (In America), "Hinderslöshetsbetyg" to Ylistaro Parish, Finland the 2nd June 1912"

If you take a look at the PCM itself (p.12), you will see Albert noted to be attended during PCMs through years "97, 98, 99, 01 as well as 05". With this information, we can determine that Albert emigrated some time after 1905. He is considered absent within the parish after the year of 1910.

Boston, U.S. Arriving Lists, 1906
Albert arrives in Boston, Massachussets on the 29th of March 1906. He has sailed on the "S.S. Romeo" from Gothenburg on the 16th of March 1906, then continued from Liverpool on the "S.S. Saxonia" on the 20th of March 1906. His destination is set to a friend, Hjalmar Lamppa on the address "Box 77" in Calumet, Michigan.

Declaration of Intention (First Papers), 13/8-1907
"Albert Oja, aged 24, occupation miner, do declare on oath that my personal description is: Color: white, Complexion: fair, height: 6 feet, weight: 170 pounds, color of hair: light, color of eyes: blue, other visible distinctive marks: none; I was born in Tarento, Sweden, on the 10th day of may, anno Domini 1883; I now reside at Wallace, Idaho. I emigrated to the United States of America from Gottsborg, Sweden on the vessel* Evernia (Ivernia?); my last foreign residence was Tarento, Sweden. It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potantate, state, or sovreignty, and particularly to Oscar II King of Sweden, of which I am now a subject; I arrived at the port of Boston, in the state of Massachusetts on or about the 1st day of march, anno Domini 1906; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside therein"

Marriage Certificate, 28/12-1907
"I Joseph W. (Nidan?) a minister residing at Wallace in the County of Shoshone in the state of Idaho, do certify that, in accordance with the authority on me conferred by the above license, I did on this 28th day of December, in the year L.D. 1907, at Wallace in the County of Shoshone in the state of Idaho, solemnize the rites if matrimony between Albert Oja of Mullan of the County of Shoshone and Mary Lammi of Mullan of the County of Shoshone in the presence of Peter Napone and Thomas Niemu
... ..."

U.S Census, 1910
In the U.S. Census for the year 1910, Albert is noted to be living in Mullan, Shoshone County, Idaho, working as a miner in a lead mine. Both Albert and his wife read and write, but Albert is the only one able to speak English. He is noted to have begun the process of filing his first papers, as mentioned before.

The Anaconda Standard, 27/8-1918
". . . Albert Oja received the minimum fine of $5 for beating his wife, who complained against him. She declared he treated her so cruelly that she was forced to send their two children back to her home in the old country . . ."

Draft Registration, 12/9-1918
"Name: Albert Oja
(Permanent Home Adress?): 4496 Mecany Butte Mont
Age: 34, Date of Birth: May 10, 1884
Race: White, Alien: Non-declarant
Subject or Citizen of Nation?: Sweden
Present Occupation: Miner, Employers Name: A.C.M Co
Place of Employment or Business: Original Mine, Butte, Mont.
Nearest relative: Wife Mary Oja, Adress 4496 Mecany Butte Mont."

Declaration of Passenger to Canada, S.S Regina, Class III, 5/6-24
Albert's wife, Maria declares her arrival to Canada in the year 1924. Her last address is noted as "Ylistaro, Lahden village", where her daughter, Jenny also is present. The following information could be interpreted in several different ways. But according my interpretation the controllant seems to have written down something, later crossed it out/written it over with "Husband Albert Oja". Furthermore, It is also clearly noted that Maria has her destination set to the address "Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 359 Albert St.". We can therefore establish that Albert most likely did reside in Canada post 1924.

Sources in chronological order:


// Fabian. J

Om Albert Johansson Oja (svenska)

Det sägs att Albert har emigrerat via Narvik (stämmer inte), och sedan träffat på svågern Oskar Uusitalo i Amerika. Oskar ska senare ha köpt Alberts arvsdel i Kainulasjärvi och byggt sin gård där tillsammans med frun Selma.

Från mina (Fabians) konversationer med ett barnbarns-barn till Albert, i Kanada, så beskrivs han ha varit en s.k. "Ne'er do well"; En som ingen nytta gör. Han ska ha behandlat sin familj mycket illa och sedan lämnat dem helt. Ingen vet helt riktigt vad som blev av honom efter det, men barnen (Jenny och Albert) har haft sina teorier.

Jenny och Albert var helt övertygade om att deras far var samma individ som den ökände kanadensiske legenden "The Mad Trapper of Rat River". En man som jagades av lagen i två månader genom Kanadas mest karga vildmarker, i temperaturer som ofta kunde sjunka ned mot -40°C. Många detaljer stämmer överens, såsom att Albert hade pratat om att bege sig till norra Kanada för att gräva guld under tidigt 30-tal. Han skall även ha beskrivits som lite paranoid och asocial, som föredrog sitt eget sällskap, liksom "The Mad Trapper" (Källor från gamla arbetskamrater)

Berättelse ur "Juttuja, outuja ja tuttuja" - skriven av Nisse Gramner
". . . Det var inte alltid som emigranterna kunde få arbete direkt som de kom. Bl.a. Axel (Siverhall) var arbetslös i över en månad. De flesta fick arbete i de många gruvor som fanns. Axel fick så småningom arbete i samma gruva som sin bror Herman. Även de andra i följet kom att arbeta på samma ställe. Sedan tidigare arbetade även Albert Oja där.
- Albert, den pojken var en riktig slarver. Jag vet inte vad det blev av honom. Senare var han i alla fall gift och boendes i Idaho, berättar Axel när frågan om Albert förs på tal.
Alberts öde är det ingen som vet något bestämt om. Det har cirkulerat rykten om att han gick bort under tragiska omständigheter. Blev han kastad i havet en mörk natt? Bl.a. så har det sagts, men hur det verkligen förföll sig torde man aldrig få ett svar på. Albert hade en dotter i USA (samt en son, döpt efter sin far)."

Tärendö, Födelse- och dopböcker, 1882-1894
"Albert, född 10/5-1884; döpt 2/3-1885. Son till Oja, Mikelsson Johan, bonde & h. Brita Stina i Kainulasjärvi"

Tärendö, Förhörslängd 1897-1911
I kolumn 23, på listan över obefintliga s.3, antecknas han som:
"Albert Joh:sson Oja, arb. Ditto (I Amerika), Hinderslöshetsbetyg till Ylistaro Församling, Finland den 2 juni 1912"

Kikar man på själva husförhörslängden, s.12, antecknas han ha närvarat på husförhör under åren "97, 98, 99, 01, 02 samt 05". Med denna information kan man säkerställa att Albert emigrerat tidigast först någon gång efter år 1905. Han räknas sedan, efter 1910 som obefintlig.

Boston, U.S. Arriving Lists, 1906
Albert anländer den 29 Mars 1906 till Boston, Massachussets. Han har rest på fartyget "S.S. Romeo" från Göteborg den 16 Mars 1906, sedan fortsatt på fartyget "S.S. Saxonia" via Liverpool den 20 Mars 1906. Han är påväg till en vän, Hjalmar Lamppa på addressen Box 77 i Calumet, Michigan.

Declaration of Intention (First Papers), 13/8-1907
"Albert Oja, aged 24, occupation miner, do declare on oath that my personal description is: Color: white, Complexion: fair, height: 6 feet, weight: 170 pounds, color of hair: light, color of eyes: blue, other visible distinctive marks: none; I was born in Tarento, Sweden, on the 10th day of may, anno Domini 1883; I now reside at Wallace, Idaho. I emigrated to the United States of America from Gottsborg, Sweden on the vessel* Evernia (Ivernia?); my last foreign residence was Tarento, Sweden. It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potantate, state, or sovreignty, and particularly to Oscar II King of Sweden, of which I am now a subject; I arrived at the port of Boston, in the state of Massachusetts on or about the 1st day of march, anno Domini 1906; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside therein"

Marriage Certificate, 28/12-1907
"I Joseph W. (Nidan?) a minister residing at Wallace in the County of Shoshone in the state of Idaho, do certify that, in accordance with the authority on me conferred by the above license, I did on this 28th day of December, in the year L.D. 1907, at Wallace in the County of Shoshone in the state of Idaho, solemnize the rites if matrimony between Albert Oja of Mullan of the County of Shoshone and Mary Lammi of Mullan of the County of Shoshone in the presence of Peter Napone and Thomas Niemu
... ..."

U.S Census, 1910
I folkräkningen för år 1910 i USA framgår det att Albert bor i Mullan, Shoshone County, Idaho och arbetar som gruvarbetare i en blygruva. Både Albert och hustrun är läs- och skrivkunniga, men Albert är den enda i hushållet som talar engelska. Han har även påbörjat sin ansökning om att bli amerikansk medborgare, och har skrivit under sina "first papers".

The Anaconda Standard, 27/8-1918
". . . Albert Oja received the minimum fine of $5 for beating his wife, who complained against him. She declared he treated her so cruelly that she was forced to send their two children back to her home in the old country . . ."

Draft Registration, 12/9-1918
"Name: Albert Oja
(Permanent Home Adress?): 4496 Mecany Butte Mont
Age: 34, Date of Birth: May 10, 1884
Race: White, Alien: Non-declarant
Subject or Citizen of Nation?: Sweden
Present Occupation: Miner, Employers Name: A.C.M Co
Place of Employment or Business: Original Mine, Butte, Mont.
Nearest relative: Wife Mary Oja, Adress 4496 Mecany Butte Mont."

Declaration of Passenger to Canada, S.S Regina, Class III, 5/6-24
År 1924 deklarerar hustrun Maria sin ankomst till Kanada. Hennes senaste adress står som "Ylistaro, Lahden village" vars dotter Jenny även är skriven. Informationen som följer kan tolkas lite olika. Först verkar kontrollanten ha antecknat bestämmelseorten som något oläsbart, denna rad verkar sedan ha strukits över/skrivits över som "Husband Albert Oja". På nedre raden står adressen "Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. 359 Albert St." tydligare uppskriven. Vi kan därför anta att Albert sannolikt befann sig i Kanada senast efter år 1924.

Källor i kronologisk ordning:


// Fabian. J

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Albert Oja's Timeline

May 10, 1884
Kainulasjärvi, Tärendö, Pajala, Norrbotten County, Sweden
September 26, 1908
Mullan, Shoshone County, Idaho, United States
Mullan, Shoshone County, Idaho, United States
Age 39