Anna Marie Pleym Irgens

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Anna Marie Pleym Irgens's Geni Profile

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Anna Marie Pleym Irgens (Pleym)

Birthplace: Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Death: May 29, 1904 (78)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jacob Edvard Ludvig Pleym and Dorothea Oline Pleym
Wife of Michal Irgens
Mother of Dorthea Pleym Irgens; Susanne Irgens; Marie Pleym Irgens; Johan Daniel Irgens; Jacob Pleym Irgens and 2 others
Sister of Peter Lexau Pleym; Eduardine Dorothea Pleym; Lovise Hanssens Pleym; Cathrine Lexau Pleym; Dorthea Oline Lexau Pleym and 1 other

Managed by: Ole Irgens
Last Updated:
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Anna Marie Pleym Irgens's Timeline

September 17, 1825
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
October 30, 1825
September 24, 1856
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
August 3, 1858
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
November 10, 1859
June 1, 1861
September 29, 1862
February 8, 1864
Bergen, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
March 22, 1867
Bergen, Hordaland, Norway