Historical records matching Benjamin Allen
Immediate Family
About Benjamin Allen
Benjamin, son of John Allen, of Sandwich and Rebecca.
Intention of marriage between Benjamin Allen and Waistell Bowerman [Sandwich], 4:10mo:1719. Marriage of Benjamin Allen of Sandwich & Waitstell[?] Bowerman of Falmouth, in the house of Thomas Bowerman in Falmouth, 9 Mar 1720.
Deed: Benjamin Allin of Dartmouth yeoman, for 2700 spanish milled dollars, to John Wady of same yeoman, all Benjamin's 140 acre farm in Dartmouth bought of James Howland, except 10 acres upland & swamp given to "my" son Moses Allen in SE corner, bounded in part by Howland's or Allin Brook on which there used to be a sawmill, wife Waitstill Allin relinquishes, dated 30 Apr 1766, Benjamin ack. 1 May 1766, recorded 10 May 1766. (Family History Library., Film 577212, item 3, Bristol Co. deeds, Southern District, New Bedford, MA, v. 8, p. 161-162)
Joseph Smith of Dartmouth yeoman, for £660, to Benjamin Allen Sr., Benjamin Allen Jr. & Thomas Allen all of same yeomen, 200 acres greater part of homestead farm where "I" lived on given by my father Elisha Smith, formerly his homestead, ½ sold to Benjamin Sr., other ½ to Benjamin Jr. & Thomas, wife Elizabeth Smith relinquishes right, dated 20 May 1767, Joseph ack. 7 Jun 1770, recorded 30 Apr 1773. (Ibid., Film 577213, item 1, Bristol Co. deeds, Southern District, New Bedford, MA, v. 9, p. 327-328)
Tax & Poll Lists, Mass. Archives, v. 130, p. 514, Dartmouth, Ponagansett, 29 Sep 1771: Benja Allen, Sr., Benja Allen, Jr., John Allen, Judah Allen, Thomas Allen.
Thomas Allen, Benjamin Allen and Juda Allen sons of Benjamin Allen apply for membership by birthrite, but denied, 3 Sep 1779 (Falmouth). (Ibid., Film 1330, Society of Friends, Sandwich Monthly Meetings, v. 40, 1672-1754)
16 Feb 1775, will of Benjamin Allen of Dartmouth, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, yeoman or cordwainer, to son John Allen now living up the country £13/6s/8p, to Moses Allen living in or near West Hoosach £0/6s/0p with what I have already given him, to son Thomas Allen of Dartmouth one moity or half of my land and real estate with one half of all my buildings, and one half of all my personall estate execept what I give away to others of my children, Thomas to pay one half of all my debt, to my son Benjamin Allen one moity or half of my land and real estate with one half of all my buildings, and one half of all my personall estate execept what I give away to others of my children, Benjamin to pay one half of all my debt, to my son Judah Allen now of Dartmouth one feather bed one boltter and one coverlit and two blanckets whith what I have given him aleardy, to my daughter Rebecca Griffies wife of Philip Griffies of Ottor Creek £0/6s/0p with what I have already given her, to my daughter Mary Wing of Sandwich £3 with what I have already given her, to Dinah Allen £30, four of my best feather beds with all the remainder of my best beding exclusive of what I give to my two sons Benjamin and Judah and also all the remainder of my household furniture, and to Dinah Allen as long she lives single the use and improvement of my south east great room abd chamber above the same and ten cords of wood at her door yearly and a good new milch cow and a priviledge of apples in the orchard and a priviledge to the well and oven for water and bakedoing two sons Benjamin and Thomas shall perform this, sons Thomas Allen and Benjamin Allen sole executors. Probate 19 Apr 1775. Inventory May 1775, affirmation of inventory 26 Jun 1775.
Benjamin Allen's Timeline
1693 |
Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
1721 |
November 13, 1721
Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts
1724 |
April 13, 1724
Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States
1726 |
March 3, 1726
Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States
1728 |
April 15, 1728
Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts
1729 |
March 19, 1729
Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States
1732 |
August 7, 1732
Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA
1734 |
October 15, 1734
Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States
1735 |
Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts