From the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, Vol. 3, pg. 297:
Chlodosinda (Chlothsinda) 1. Frankish princess; wife of Alboin. M VI
Daughter of Chlothacharius (PLRE II) and Ingundis 1, she married the Lombard king Alboin; Greg. Tur. HF IV 3, 41, Paul. Diac. Hist. Lang. 1 27, Origo Gent, Lang. 5.
Mother of Albsuinda; Paul. Diac. Hist. Lang. 1 27 Origo Gent. Lang. 5
After her death Alboin married Rosimunda; Greg. Tur. HF IV 41, Paul. Diac. Hist. Lang. 1 27, Origo Gent. Lang. 5.
See stemmata 18a and 20b.
Addresse of a letter from Nicetius, Bishop of Trier; Ep. Austras. 8 (MGH, Epp. m. pp. 119ff.) (ad Chlodosuindam reginam Longobardorum).
From Ravenna in Late Antiquity:
There was therefore no real unity in Italy when yet another group of barbarians, the Lombards, appeared at the Alpine passes in 568. [15] The Lombards (Langobardi, "Long Beards") had coalesced as a group in the Balkans in the late 5th century and moved into Pannonia after the death of Theoderic (Aug. 30, 526), where they were settled as foederati by Justinian (ruled Aug. 1, 527 - Nov. 14, 565). Their ambitious king Alboin married Chlodosinda, daughter of the Frankish king Lothar I (c. 497 - Nov. 29, 561, wife Ingundis d. between 538 and 546), Alboin annihilated another group, the Gepids, in 567, and after Chlodosinda's death, he married the Gepid princess Rosamunda, a move that was, as Paul the Deacon says, "to his own injury, as afterward appeared." [16]
6. CHLODESINDIS (-before 567[213]). Gregory of Tours names (in order) Gunthar, Childerich, Charibert, Guntram, Sigibert and a daughter Clothsind as the children of King Clotaire and his wife Ingonde, specifying that Clothsind married Alboin King of the Lombards[214]. The Origo Gentis Langobardorum names "Flutsuinda…filia Flothario regis Francorum" as the first wife of Albuin[215]. The Historia Langobardorum names "Ludusenda…filia Flothari regis" as the first wife of Alboin[216]. Paulus Diaconus names "Chlotharius rex Francorum, Chlotsuindam ei suam filiam" as wife of Alboin[217].
m ( [556/60] ) as his first wife, ALBOIN King of the Lombards, son of AUDOIN King of the Lombards & his wife --- (-murdered 28 Jun 572). He was crowned King of the Lombards in Italy at Milan in [570].
546 |
Soissons, Regnum Neustriae, Regnum Francorum
567 |
Age 21
Regnum Langobardum, Pannonia Basin
???? |