Historical records matching Dr. med. Erwin Jekelius
Immediate Family
About Dr. med. Erwin Jekelius
Erwin Jekelius (* 5. Juni 1905 in Hermannstadt; † 8. Mai 1952 in der Sowjetunion) war ein österreichischer Psychiater und Neurologe zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und als T4-Gutachter an Euthanasieverbrechen beteiligt.
Biography Erwin Jekelius, Source Wikipedia (German)
Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich – Wer war was vor und nach 1945 von Ernst Klee
ISBN 978-3-596-16048-8 7 / Seite 286
Nephew of the editor of the Drogisten Zeitung Adolfine Zitter
Drogisten Zeitung 31. Dezember 1931
Former partner and engaged to Paula Hitler / Wolf, but never married. Dr. Jekelius was head of the Am Steinhof Psychiatric Institution in Vienna [Psychiayrisches Krankenraus Der Stadt Wiem] where Aloisia Veit, Hitler's second cousin, was confined for nine years. Paula's fiance was a willing executioner in the program of mass murder they called "euthanasia." He sent over 4,000 patients to the gas chambers. Hitler's sister knew about it. Yet she still wanted to marry the doctor. She asked her brother's permission. But only Hitler would decide who was part of the family. He had Paula's fiance arrested, and sent to the Eastern front. Erwin Jekelius was taken prisoner by the Soviets. He died in captivity in 1952.
Berchtesgaden, 1958. Hidden camera footage of Paula Hitler, alias Paula Wolf. She lived on social security on her own. Only a few locals knew who she really was. That same year, director Peter Morley made a documentary about the Nazi dictatorship. He interviewed people who had been close to Hitler. Tyranny, the Years of Adolf Hitler. It was the first and last television interview with Paula Hitler.
Translated Text
Erwin Jekelius (born June 5, 1905 in Sibiu, † 8 May 1952 in the Soviet Union) was an Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist at the time of National Socialism and as T4 euthanasia expert in crime involved.
Jekelius, a medical doctor in 1931 received his first appointment at the Special Education Station of the University Children's Hospital in Vienna, where he worked until 1936. From 1933 Jekelius member of the NSDAP and the Patriotic Front. At the instigation of the President of the Evangelical Church Council obtained upper Jekelius employment as a medical officer of the City of Vienna. From 1938 he was initiated specialist in nervous diseases and in Vienna from beginning of November 1938 the acting clinic for neurological disorders of the workers health insurance fund. He also took over from 1938, initially acting and from 20 March 1939 official line of drinkers sanatorium "Am Steinhof" in Vienna. After the outbreak of World War Jekelius was drafted into the armed forces, but in mid April 1940 in the Main Health Office of the City of Vienna busy, where he dated 2 June 1940 to early August 1941, the Unit for the mentally ill, addicted psychopaths and care "initiated. Has commenced a preliminary investigation at this time because of fornication against nature to Penal Code § 129 was discontinued in August 1940. [3]
Of 24 July 1940 to 1941 was Jekelius worked at the Vienna city youth reformatory "At the basic level" as the medical director. During the Second World War were in the children's department of the institution in the context of child euthanasia at least 789 disabled and / or behavioral problems children killed by administration of hypnotics, due to malnutrition or hypothermia [4].
Of 14 October 1940 to Jekelius worked in the T4-T4 as a witness report forms of patients and decided from files which patients in the Nazi killing centers as "euthanasia case" should be gassed. Jekelius also worked with other doctors in a euthanasia law ("law on euthanasia for terminally ill patients") with. [2] This law was adopted in October 1940, but gained no legal validity.
Jekelius the year 1941/1942 was released from his position as director in the institution "On the basic level" due to a conflict with the Gaujugendamt It brings the right to punish minors in his care exceeded. Against him then initiated disciplinary proceedings have terminated in November 1942. After a commissioner's representative from early July 1942 Ernst Illing successor Jekelius. Another reason for his call for military service was an intimate relationship with Paula Hitler, sister of Adolf Hitler, whom he met in official contexts. Paula Hitler intervened with Jekelius successfully moved in favor of a friend who was from deportation to the Nazi killing center Hartheim threatened. [4] Another in October 1943 initiated and later recruited disciplinary proceedings to an "improper" reply from Jekelius to the Assistant Secretary of health care.
Beginning of 1942 was again called to Jekelius Wehrmacht as a military doctor and was last at a Cossack Division. From August 1943 to November 1943 and from July 1944, he served as chief physician of the neurological unit of the nursing home Lainz, he was also a director post at the mental hospital made the prospect of Rose Hill. Furthermore, he was one of the Viennese "Asozialenkommission" at. Jekelius in 1945 to escape arrest by members of the Red Army and 1948 in Moscow sentenced for their involvement in euthanasia crimes to 25 years hard labor. He died in May 1952 in a Soviet labor camp in bladder cancer.
In a Moscow archives were discovered in the summer of 2005, the interrogation logs of Jekelius, in which he charged himself but also under his physician Heinrich Gross difficult.
1941, "after the arrival of Dr. Gross, we started in our clinic with the destruction of children [...] my assistant Dr. Gross had completed a practical course for the killing of children. Every month we killed 6 to 10 children ... Dr. Gross was working under my supervision. The killing of children he adopted on the basis of his experiences before and instructions. After the introduction of Luminal (through the anus) into the body of the child that went right and was about 20-24 hours in this state. Then inevitably death occurred. "In a few cases, so Jekelius, the dose was not enough, Dr. Gross had" injected to achieve the objective in consultation with me, "a lethal cocktail of morphine base.
Also confessed during interrogation Jekelius one to have thousands of patients classified according to the documents as a euthanasia case, who were gassed in the Nazi killing centers.
Swedish article BJÖRNEBORGS TIDNING 02/08/1946
Före Illing hade dock en doktor Jekelius, tidigare bekant för homosexuella förbrytelser mot ungdomar, år 1940 föirordnats som chef för en vid anstalten inrättad "observationsavdelning för psykopatiskt anlagda, ärftligt belastade barn”. Jekelius var enligt en uppgift förlovad med Hitlers syster och husföreståndarinna Paula Hitler.
Kort före Jekelius' utnämning besöktes anstalten av en professor Heyde från Wurzburg jämte nio läkare i SS-uniform. Dessa genomgick på tre dagar 4,200 patienters journaler, och kort efteråt kom en order från Berlin att överföra ett stort antal patienter från Wien till Tyskland, Ett extratåg med tysk personal avgick från Wien, och knappt tre veckor efteråt börjde meddelanden ingå till anhöriga att de forna Steinhofpatienterna avlidit i en eller annan sjukdom, och inalles anlände över 3,000 dylika dödsfallsnotiifikationer. De anhöriga blev oroliga och det kom till våldsamma demonstrationer vid anstalten och hälsovårdsbyrån, och dr Jekelius måste vid ett 'tillfälle fly undan den rasande massan, som inte kunde skingras av dussintals poliser, genom en bakdörr. Jekelius, som 1942 lämnade anstalten och en tid gjorde fronttjänst, häktades efter ryssarnas inmarsch i Wien men lyckades sedan fly och har inte uppspårats."
"Washington, Seattle, Passenger Lists, 1890-1957," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KDZ8-JXF : 1 March 2021), Erwin Jekelius, 1934; citing Seattle, King, Washington, United States, NARA microfilm publication M1383, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; FHL microfilm 2,266,184.
Dr. med. Erwin Jekelius's Timeline
1905 |
June 5, 1905
Hermannstadt, Austria
1952 |
May 8, 1952
Age 46
Russian Federation