Galceran de BORJA y Escrivà

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About Galceran de BORJA y Escrivà



III .- Rodrigo Gil de Borja and Fenollet.


5 .- Galceran de Borja and Escrivà. After the death of his brother Jofre was Galceran representative Borja branch in the kingdom of Valencia. He married Isabel de Montcada, daughter Ot Moncada and his second wife, Constance tens. He remained a resident of Xativa, but used to reside in Valencia. Test in 1453. Father of

5.1 .- Borja Bernadone Montcada., Who married Castellà. With offspring.

5.2 .- Galceran de Borja Montcada. He lived in Rome in the service of Pope Callistus III. Governor of Spoleto. Navarro married d'Alpicat key. Padres (6 person)

5.3 .- Borja Otic Montcada. Sanoguera Violant married. Padres (5 person)

Forrás / Source: (Translation from Spanish)