Geoffroy III (V) “le Barbu", comte de Gâtinais et d'Anjou

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Geoffroy III (V) "le Barbu" d'Anjou

Also Known As: "Geoffrey", "'le barbu'"
Birthplace: Anjou, France
Death: 1096 (51-60)
Immediate Family:

Son of Geoffrey "Ferréol", count of Gâtinais and Ermangarde "Blanche" de Bourgogne
Husband of Julienne de Langeais
Brother of Hildegarde de Gâtinais and Fulk IV "The Surly", count of Anjou
Half brother of Hildegarde of Burgundy

Managed by: Cherie Elizabeth Church
Last Updated:

About Geoffroy III (V) “le Barbu", comte de Gâtinais et d'Anjou

GEOFFROY de Château-Landon

From Medlands,%20MAINE.htm#GeoffroyIIGatina...

([1040]-[1096/97]). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum records that "Gosfridus Martellus filius Fulconis", being childless, appointed "nepotibus suis Gosfrido Barbato et Fulconi Rechin" as his heirs[213]. The Historia Comitum Andegavorum records that "Gaufridus Martellus…nepotibus suis" were "filiis Adhelæ sororis suæ et Alberici comitis de Gastinais"[214]. "Gaufredus comitatus Andecavensis naturalis heres" made donations to Marmoutier dated 1055 in which he names "nepotibus meis…Fulcone vincocinensium comite naturali, Gaufredo et altero Fulcone"[215]. He succeeded in 1060 as GEOFFROY III "le Barbu" Comte d'Anjou. "Goffridi comitis et Agnetis comitissæ…" witnessed the charter dated 26 Feb 1062, recorded in the dating clause as "anno principatus Gaufredi comitis tertii IIo", which records an agreement of confraternity between Saint-Maurice d´Angers and La Trinité de Vendôme[216]. "Goffridus comes" restored property donated by "avia mea bone memorie Hildegardis comitissa…filie sue matri mee…Ermengardi…Adelait Teotisca que fuerat postrema avunculi mei uxor…avunculi mei Goffredi comitis" to the monastery of La Charité Sainte-Marie d´Anjou by undated charter[217]. The Chronicon Turonensi records that "Gaufridus Barbatus…Comes" destroyed "Turoniæ, Abbatiam Majoris-Monasterii", after which he was captured by his brother Foulques and held captive for thirty years "apud Chainonem"[218]. William of Malmesbury and Orderic Vitalis both record that he was deposed in 1068 and imprisoned by his brother at the castle of Chinon for more than thirty years[219]. The Chronicon Vindocinense records that "Fulconi fratri Gaufridi comitis Andegavorum" captured "Salmuri castri…Kal Mar" in 1067 and "II Kal Apr" captured and imprisoned "fratrem suum…comes Gaufredus junior…Barbatum" until his death, although another paragraph of the Chronicon dates the capture to 1068[220]. The Chronica Rainaldi records that "Goffridus junior…Barbatum" was betrayed by "Fulconi fratri suo…Non Apr" in 1067 and captured in 1068[221].

m (before 1060) JULIENNE de Langeais, daughter of HAMELIN [II] Seigneur de Langeais & [his wife Helvise de Mondoubleau] (-after 7 Aug 1067). "Geoffroi le Barbu…[et] Julienne son épouse" confirmed the donation by "Bouchard le Breton" to Saint-Nicolas d´Angers, by charter dated to after 14 Nov 1060[222]. Her parentage is confirmed by a charter dated to [1068/82] under which "Hugues de Langeais", with the consent of "ses frères Hamelin et Geoffroi le doyen…son suzerain Geoffroi de Mayenne", donated property to Bourgeuil, subscribed by "comtesse Hameline", as well as a line of commentary in the cartulary of Bourgeuil which states that the subscriber was "filia Hamelini de Langiaco, uxor Goffridi Barbati comitis Andegav"[223]. "Geoffroi le Barbu…Juliette femme de Geoffroi et Foulque frère de Geoffroi" subscribed the charter dated 7 Aug 1067 which records the donation by "Robert de Sablé et sa femme Avoie" to Marmoutier[224].

[m AGNES, daughter of --- (-after 26 Feb 1062). "Goffridi comitis et Agnetis comitissæ…" witnessed the charter dated 26 Feb 1062, recorded in the dating clause as "anno principatus Gaufredi comitis tertii IIo", which records an agreement of confraternity between Saint-Maurice d´Angers and La Trinité de Vendôme[225]. The dating clause indicates that this document is correctly dated to 1062, and suggests that the witness was Geoffroy III Comte d´Anjou and therefore that "Agnetis comitissæ" was his wife. This conclusion causes a considerable difficulty as Geoffroy´s wife Julienne is named in charters sated 1060 and 1067. Another possibility is that "Agnetis comitissæ" was the first wife of Geoffroy´s predecessor, Geoffroy II "Martel" Comte d´Anjou, although if this is correct it is suprising that she signed in place of Geoffroy III´s wife.] (under Children),_Count_of_Anjou

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