Hawise Fergant de Bretagne

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Hawise Fergant de Bretagne

Birthplace: Bretagne, France
Death: after 1118
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Alan Fergent
Ex-wife of Boudewijn VII Hapkin, count of Flanders

Managed by: Kaylene Hansen
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Hawise Fergant de Bretagne

Married to Baldwin VII of Flanders as a child (reportedly, she was nine and he was twelve), c. 1105-1110. Marriage annulled on grounds of "consanguinity", 1111-1115 (always a convenient excuse to get out of an unwanted marriage). She did not marry again, and may have retired to a convent as her mother did. http://www.ethesis.net/hapkin/hapkin_deel_1.htm (in Dutch).

Not the same person as the Hawise who married Geoffrey de Porhoet.

Last attested in 1118; may have died by 1128, or taken final vows and disposed of all her worldly possessions.

The Chronicon Briocensi names "Conanum et Hazevisiam" as the two children of "Alanus filius primogenitus [Hoelli]" and his wife "Ermengardem filiam Comitis Andegavensis"[245]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana refers to the wife of "Balduinum comitem" as "filiam Alani Fregani comitis Brittaniæ", but does not name her[246]. The Flandria Generosa names "filiam Alani comitis Brittaniæ" as the wife of "Balduinus Inclitus", specifying that they were separated by Pope Pascal II* on grounds of consanguinity[247]. "Conanus…Britaniaæ dux cum sorore mea Hidevis et matre mea Ermeniart" donated property to the abbey of Sainte-Croix de Quimperlé by charter dated 1118, which names "pater meus Alanus et avus Hoel et attavus Alanus"[248]. "Mathilda comitissa et Haduisa soror comitis Conani" signed the undated charter Duke Conan III donated a fishery to the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel[249]. m (1110, divorced) BAUDOUIN de Flandre, son of ROBERT II Count of Flanders & his wife Clémence de Bourgogne [Comt%C3%A9] (1093-Boulers 17 Jun 1119, bur Saint Bertin). He succeeded his father in 1111 as BAUDOUIN VII Count of Flanders. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRITTANY.htm#_Toc359762254

  • Pope Paschal II (Latin: Paschalis II; 1050-1055 - 21 January 1118), born Ranierius, was Pope from 13 August 1099 to his death in 1118.
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Hawise Fergant de Bretagne's Timeline

Bretagne, France
Age 23