Heinrich (later Baron Alfred von ) Kraus

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Heinrich (later Baron Alfred von ) Kraus's Geni Profile

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Dr. jur Alfred Kraus

Also Known As: "Baron", "Freiherr von", "Baron Alfred von Kraus"
Birthplace: Pardubitz, Pardubice, Pardubice District, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic
Death: March 01, 1909 (84-85)
Vienna, Wien, Wien, Austria
Place of Burial: Pardubice, Pardubice District, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Son of Moises Kraus and Johanna Schwarz
Brother of Dr. med Adalbert Kraus; Josef Joseph Kraus, Edler von; Wilhelm Kraus; Ludwig Kraus; Emanuel Kraus and 1 other

Occupation: lawyer, also prominently involved in military capacities
Managed by: Pip de P. James
Last Updated:

About Heinrich (later Baron Alfred von ) Kraus

Dr. jur? Heinrich Alfred Freiherr von KRAUS: b. circa 1824, ? - d. 1 March 1909, Wien

cf. obituary viewable courtesy of:

ANNO, Prager Tagblatt, 1909-03-01, Seite 3


And rather shorter mentions of death:

ANNO, Wiener Zeitung, 1909-03-01, Seite 4



ANNO, Mährisches Tagblatt, 1909-03-01, Seite 6


N.B. conflicting DOBs given 1822 & 1824 ...

Plus a picture here:

ANNO, Österreichische Illustrierte Zeitung, 1909-03-07, Seite 7


And also cf. mention on article re. brother Adalbert's death ...

Assumed that Heinrich KRAUS is the same person as KRAUS, ALFRED, BARON VON: http://www.wladcy.myslenice.net.pl/Czechy/opisy/Alfred%20von%20Krau... born in Pardubice, April 7, 1824, died in Vienna, February 28, 1909)

From Jewish Encyclopedia (http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/9500-kraus-alfred-baron-von):
By: Isidore Singer, Alexander Kisch
Austrian general; born 1822 at Pardubitz, Bohemia; the son of a Jewish tenant-farmer. He received his early education, which was strictly Orthodox, from his cousin Joseph Kisch, father of Heinrich and Alexander Kisch. At the age of thirteen he went to Prague, where he attended the gymnasium and subsequently studied law at the university. After taking his degree and accepting baptism, he entered the army, where he received appointments befitting his legalattainments. At Mantua in 1849 he conducted the trial of Orsini, who had been arrested there; and at Parma he conducted the trial of the murderer of its duke. He then entered the adjutant corps as captain, and was appointed, with the rank of major, aide-de-camp to General Degenfeld, the minister of war. For a number of years he was connected with the imperial military court, acting as deputy president from 1869 to 1880.

In April, 1881, Kraus was appointed president of the Military Supreme Court, and was decorated with the Order of the Iron Crown of the second class. In July of the same year he became governor-general of Bohemia, receiving other decorations and the title of privy councilor. He retired in 1896 and has since lived in Vienna.


This reference gives the name of Baron Alfred Kraus as "Dr Alfred Heinrich Kraus".

Joseph Kisch looks a good candidate for being cousin of Baron Alfred von Kraus, as Joseph had a sister called Anna Kraus (nee Kisch)
Joseph Enoch Kisch

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Heinrich (later Baron Alfred von ) Kraus's Timeline

Pardubitz, Pardubice, Pardubice District, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic
March 1, 1909
Age 85
Vienna, Wien, Wien, Austria
Pardubitz, Familiengrab, Pardubice, Pardubice District, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic