Hendrikus Johannes van der Kolk

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Hendrikus Johannes van der Kolk

Also Known As: "Hendrik Johannes van der Kolk"
Death: December 31, 1906 (68)
Nederhemert, GE, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Son of Goosewienus van der Kolk and Maria Adriana Bruijgom
Husband of Maaijke Bok
Father of Goosewienus van der Kolk; Johanna Aria van der Kolk; Maria Gijsberta van der Kolk and Aria Johanna van der Kolk
Brother of Maria Gerdina van der Kolk
Half brother of Aletta Sophia van der Kolk; Maria Adriana van der Kolk and Gerrit Cornelis van der Kolk

Occupation: Dijkgraaf
Managed by: Private User
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Hendrikus Johannes van der Kolk's Timeline

August 14, 1838
June 23, 1867
Nederhemert, GE, Netherlands
February 5, 1870
March 31, 1873
July 19, 1875
December 31, 1906
Age 68
Nederhemert, GE, Netherlands