From the research notes of Pam Wilson <wilsonpam@mindspring.com>:
HOH 1790 Randolph CO, NC (1-0-1-0-0) as ARLEY
Henry (spelled ARLEY) was head of household in Randolph Co, NC in 1790 and appears to have had no children at that time. He apparently was newly married to Sarah Garner. A Henry and Mary Garner were in the Bute Co, NC land records with Clement in the 1760s--were they Sarah's parents?.
1790 NC Randolph Cty, Hillsborough Dist pg 98c
1st # free white males 16 year upwards and head of families
2nd # free white males under 16 years
3rd # free white females and head of families
4th # all other free persons
5th # slaves
This census is from Microcopy No. T-498 Roll 2
Arley, Henry, 1,0,1,0,0
I believe this Henry Arledge died in Randolph Co in 1792 (there is an administrator's bond naming Sarah):
ADMINISTRATION BOND, Sept 1792: State of NC. Know all Men by these Presents, That we SARAH ARLEDGE & HENRY GARNER are held and firmly bound unto John Arnold, Esquire Charmons (?) Randolph County Court, in the full and just sum of two hundred pounds to be paid to his said Excellency the Governor, his successors or assigns: To the which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and admnistrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this Second Monday of September, Anno Dom. 1792. The condition of the obligation is such that if the above-bounden SARAH ARLEDGE, Administratix of all and singular the goods and chattles, rights and credits of HENRY ARLEDGE deceased, ...[summary: that she should make an inventory of his estate within 90 days and an account of her administration within one year...]. Signed SARAH ARLEDGE [X her mark] and HENRY GARNER
Interestingly, a HENRY and MARY GARNER were in Bute County records with CLEMENT ARLEDGE (probably Henry's father) in the 1760s. I imagine that Sarah was their daughter, and that these families met in Bute (later Warren) County. We still do not know where CLEMENT went after he is last sighted in the Bute/Warren County documents in 1772. However, a Henry (presumably his grandson, if son Henry was dead by 1792) surfaced in Randolph County land records in 1793 and again in 1814, as did Isaac who first appears in Randolph Co records in 1810. What was their relationship to this Henry who married Sarah?
Here's what we do have on Henry ARLEDGEs (there were at least 3).
In 1793, a Henry was the first ARLEDGE on the grantee list of land records in Randolph Co, NC. (Book 5, p. 77, deed from Jeremia Cox for 300 acres):
[Randolph Co, NC Deed Book 5, p. 77]
To all people whome these preasants shall come Greeting
Know that I Jeremia Cox of the County of Randolph and State of North Carolina for and in consideration of fifty pounds to me in hand paid by Henery ARLEDGE of the County and State afforesd the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge and my self therewith fully satisfied and do fully and absolutely discharge the sd Henery ARLEDGE have bargained and sold and by these preasants do fully and truly give and grant bargain sell alien and Confirm release ...unto him the sd Henery ARLEDGE his hirs and assigns forever A certain tract or parcile of land lying and being in Randolph County on Batchelers Creek ... containing three hundred acres of land it being a Tract of land Entred (?) in the Land Office by one the sd Jeremia Cox To Have and to Hold the sd three hundred acres of Land bargained and sold and all and singular the right and ____ Commodities hereditements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining into the sd Henery ARLEDGE his heirs and assigns forever in fees simple Absolutely in as full and ample a manner to all intents and purposes as the most Larned in the Law Can Divise Further I the sd Jeremia Cox for myself my heirs Executors and assigns Covenant and agree to be(?) with the sd Henery ARLEDGE his hirs and assigns and to warrant any other person or persons claiming for or under these In Witness whereof I the sd Jeremiah Cox have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred ninety and three.
Jeremiah Cox [seal]
Signed sealed and delivered in preasants of
Henry Garner
Jesse Garner
Sarah Garner
In 1814, a Henry ALDRIDGE/Eldridge (son of Henry Aldridge/Eldridge) who had relocated to Pendleton Dist, SC sold 300 acres to William Humphreys (Randolph Co, NC Book 13, page 75):
[Randolph Co, NC Deed Book 13, p. 75]
South Carolina Pendleton District Know all men by these presents that I Henry Aldridge of the District of Pendleton and State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to __ in hand paid by Wil'm Humphreys of the District and State aforesaid the receipt whereof is thereby acknowledged have hereby granted bargained sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Wil'm Humphreys all that part or parcel of land will'd or left to me by my father Henry Eldridge lying in Randolph County State of North Carolina containing by estimation 300 acres more or less laying and being on the waters of Deep River adjoining to the lands of John Loudermilk which said land I do warrant and will forever defend to the said William Humphreys to him and his heirs forever and against myself my heirs ... or the claim or claims of any other person or persons whatsoever in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th
day Sept in the year of our Lord 1814.
Henry [his h mark] Eldridge
Attest: Will'm Robertson, Berry (Benj?) Roberts
State of South Carolina Pendleton District
Personally appeared William Robertson before me the subscribing witness (?) and made oath agreeable to law that he saw Henry Eldridge make his mark for the within mention purposes and Berry Roberts was a subscribing witness with him sworn and suscribed before me the 10th day of December 1814. George Edmonson JP. William Robertson
The Henry name does not appear again on the grantee index of Randolph County until four deeds in 1844, 1848 (2) and 1850 to HENRY W. ARLIDGE, who I believe was Jesse's son Henry William Arledge (1818-1889) [grandson of Isaac and Susannah Sullivan Arledge]. These were:
1844 Deed from Eli Burgess for 146 acres (Book 27, p. 99)
1848 Deed of Trust from Edward C. Caviness for chattel (Book 27 p. 532)
1848 Deed from Thomas Wilson for 146.5 acres (Book 28 p. 181)
1850 Deed of Trust from Margaret York for 300 acres (Book 28 p. 224).
1750 |
HOH 1790 Randolph CO, NC (1-0-1-0-0) as ARLEY
1792 |
Age 42
Randolph CO, NC 1792 administrator's bond
???? |
1790 Randolph Co NC census as ARLEY; 1793 Randolph CO, NC & 1814 Pendleton District, SC deeds