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About Ingelram de Bohun
From Medlands:
(-after 1093). Monk at Marmoutier. "…Unfredi de Bohun et Richardi filii eius necnon Ingulfi eiusdem loci canonici…" are named as witnesses at the court of William I King of England in the charter dated to [1081] which records an agreement between the monks of Marmoutier and "Gaufridus Nervei filius"[385]. A charter dated 1093 records that "Richard de Mereio" confirmed the donation to the monks of St Martin made by "his father Humfrey" for "quendam monachum eiusdem loci fratrem suum…Ingelrannum who urged it on him and for love of a little boy of his whom he had given them to bring up and teach"[386].
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