Immediate Family
About J Herman Potgieter
I’ve been researching the Pretorius and Potgieter families since 1999. During 1999 to 2005 I used to own and manage (now defunct) where I published the Pretorius family tree.
My original source for the Pretorius family was “Pretorius oor drie eeue” (Mrs ME Pretorius – ISBN 0 620 16896). I posted a complete list of the sources I used in my Media tab.
As part of my research I’ve taken pictures of the Potgieter & Pretorius gravestones in some 40+ cemeteries. In 2004 it became too dangerous to do so on my own and I stopped. I’ve also loaded a complete list of these photos in my Media tab.
In 201? I gave a copy of my GED file (+-23200 persons at that stage) and all my research to another researcher who is hosting his own website now.
Ek het nou ontdek niks "verdwyn" as dit op die internet was. Hier is die OU Website wat ek in Januarie 2006 gesluit het: