James of Britania

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James of Britania

Datum narození:
Úmrtí: 1852
Nejbližší rodina:

Syn Georga IIIa, Kinga ofa tha Uniteda Kingadom ofa Greata Britaina anda Irelanda a Charlotty of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Bratr Georga IVa, Kinga ofa tha Uniteda Kingadom ofa Greata Britaina anda Irelanda; Fredericka Augustuse ofa Uniteda Kingdoma anda Hanovera, Prince, Duka ofa Yorka anda Albaného; Williama IVa ofa tha Uniteda Kingdoma; Charlotty Augusty, Queen Consort of Württemberg; Duka Edwarda Augustuse Hannovera, Prince, Duka ofa Kenta anda Strathearna a 13 dalších
Nevlastní bratr Generala Johna Mackelcana; Georga IVa, Kinga ofa tha Uniteda Kingadom ofa Greata Britaina anda Irelanda; Ernesta Augustuse Ia Kinga ofa Hanovera; Charlotty Augusty, Queen Consort of Württemberg; Princess Augusty Sophie of thy United Kingdom a 11 dalších

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