Johanne Jensdatter Holm

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Johanne Jensdatter Holm

Also Known As: "Johanne Jensdatter Holm", "Johanna Holm", "Johanne Arbin", "Johanna Arbin"
Birthplace: Skedsmo, Akershus, Norway
Death: 1721 (35-36)
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Place of Burial: Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jens Pederson Holm, Sognepræst and Sara Petronelle Nilsdotter Dorph
Wife of Peter Erichsson Arbin
Mother of Hans Arbin; Maria Elisabeth Arbien; Magnus Gustav Arbin; Peter Arbin; Erik Nicolai Arbien and 4 others

Managed by: Private User
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About Johanne Jensdatter Holm

Johanne Arbien (Holm)

Gift den 6 okt. 1707 i Skedsmo med Peter Arbien (1674-1733)


  1. Jens Arbien - b: 6 Sep 1708 - Christiania, Oslo
  2. Brigitta Arbien - b: 13 Aug 1709 - Christiania, Oslo
  3. Erik Nicolaus Arbien - b: 16 Sep 1710 - Christiania, Oslo
  4. Sara Brigitta Arbien - b: 2 Oct 1711 - Christiania, Oslo
  5. Hans Arbien - b: 5 Jan 1713 - Christiania, Oslo
  6. Anna Catharina Arbien - b: 4 Jan 1714 - Christiania, Oslo
  7. Maria Elisabeth Arbien - b: 28 May 1715 - Christiania, Oslo
  8. Magnus Gustavus Arbien - b: 25 Aug 1716 - Christiania, Oslo
  9. Peter Arbien - b: 30 Oct 1717 - Christiania, Oslo
  10. Johanna Arbien - b: 15 Jan 1719 - Christiania, Oslo
  11. Anna Sophia Arbien - b: 13 Jan 1721 - Christiania, Oslo


  • Johanna Holm
  • Personalhistorisk tidsskrift, Volume 11; Volume 1890: Peter Erikssøn Arbien
  • Title: "Peter Eriksøn Arbins Optegnelser" Author: Arbin, Peter Erichsön Publication: Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 3 Rk., Bd. 1, pp. 18-22, 1892 Page: p. 19, FHL film 1124557
  • Title: "Peter Eriksøn Arbins Optegnelser" Author: Arbin, Peter Erichsön Publication: Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 3 Rk., Bd. 1, pp. 18-22, 1892 Page: p. 22, FHL film 1124557 Text: In 1721 My unhappiest day the 18th of January between 11 and 12 noon died my very most beloved wife at that moment blessed Johanna Holm in her birthing bed with the 11th child in 13 years. God comfort and solace me and my little ones in deepest sorrow left living. Her parting with husband, children, family and friends was loving, still most sad and her death was blessed. [She] was buried on the 24th of January by Dean Hr. Anders Hoff and a funeral sermon performed by him. Text. Ezech: 24 v. 16 and Exord. Psal. 39 v. 10. [Note: According to the parish register Peter Arbins wife was buried on 22 January 1721.]


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Johanne Jensdatter Holm's Timeline

October 4, 1685
Skedsmo, Akershus, Norway
September 16, 1710
Christiania, Oslo, Norway
May 28, 1715
Christiania, Oslo, Norway
September 25, 1716