A Patriot of the American Revolution for SOUTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor # A100297
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Sawyer-786
Due to circumstantial evidence and the age difference in his "2 sets of Children" it is believed he was married twice. He lists his wife as Priscilla and the names of all his living children in his Will. The dates of his marriages are unknown. He had eight living children of record named in his Will and it is known that his son Aslem died in the Rev. War. There is another Child named Deborah that some Researchers have listed in his lineage....but she has not been proven as to belong in this lineage. The official DAR records list son George's Mother as Priscilla MacPhearson but many other Researchers still list his mother as Priscilla Keel, therefore. both of these women have been listed as his wives.
John served in the 2nd Regiment under Capt. Francis Huger and was wounded at Fort Moultrie on June 28, 1776. He was called "Old John". He is listed as one of Francis Marion's Men [Bodie, Marion's Men]. The War document lists John as born in 1730 in North Carolina and died 13 October 1784 in Edgefield, SC.
John Sawyer Will and Last Testament can be seen on Microfilm in SC Dept. of Archive and History under "Abbeville Estates" Box 86, Pack 2100.
" in the Name of god Amen the second day october 1784 I John Sawyer of ninety six District being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to Almighty god and calling to remembrance the uncertain of this transitory life and that all flesh must Yield unto Death when its hall please god to call do make constitute ordain and declare this My last Will and testiment in manner and form following revoking and annulling by these Presents all and every Testiment and Testaments, Will and Wills heretofore by me made And declared Either by Word or Writing and this is to be taken only for my last Will and Testiment and none other.And first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for mySins past most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same I give and commit my soul unto Almighty God my saviour and redeemer in Whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust an believe Assuredly to be saved and to have full remission and forgiveniss of all my sins and that my soul With my body at the general Day of resurrection shall rise again with joy and through the merits of Christ death and passion possess and inhearit the kingdom of heaven prepared for his Elect and Chosen, and my body to be buried in such place where it shall please my Executors hereafter named to Appoint And now for the settling of my Temporal estates and such goods,chattels, and debts as it hath Pleased god far above my deserts to bestow upon me; I do order give and dispose the same in maner and Form following(that is to say) first I Will that all those Debts and Duties as I owe in right or Conscience to any maner of person or persons Whatsoever, shall be well and truly contended and paid Or ordained to be paid Within convenint time after my decease by my Executors hereafter named I am give and bequeath unto My Dear Wife Prisseler Sawyer my plantion and bilding as I now live On and all my household firtuner all so one negrowman named Merduke all so one negrow woman named peg all so my stock of neet cattle and hog use and a certon black Horse in Durin her Life time and after her Decease then to be Equelly to be Divieded betwixt and amoungst My five Der younger children Named John Sawyer and Lewis Sawyer and SarahSawyer and cader Sawyer & Debony Sawyer I all so give and bequeath unto MyDearly beloved Son Elkinah Sawyer One plantion or track of land lying ofthe Westerd side of the Mill streem all so the mill that Lyes on the sade streem all so one negrow boy named pomey I allso give and bequeath unto myDere beloved Son George Sawyer one Plantion or track of land contang one hundred acres lying On the Estward side of my plantion as I now Live atallso one negrow boy named Dick allso One fether bead and a reameant of black smith Tuels I allso give and bequeath unto My Dearly belovedDaughter Sevility Sawyer a young negrow out of the price of a Ceartain chusnut sorril horse and the overplush to be returend unto the Estate andsix head of neet Catle allso one fether bead I do here by nommenate constute apint my trusty and wel beloved Frends Prissiler Sawyer and Elkanok Sawyer and George Sawyer to be my excetors to this My Last Will and testement. Contained in these prentens Signed Sealed Pronounced and Declaired This to be my Last Will and testement In the Presence of Jnthos Fairchild, Benjamin Powell and Lewis Powell JohnSawyer X his marke"
1730 |
1750 |
Edgefield, Edgefield, South Carolina
1755 |
Edgefield, Edgefield County, South Carolina, Colonial America
1764 |
Edgefield, SC, United States
1784 |
October 13, 1784
Age 54
Ninety-Six District, South Carolina, United States
Age 54
Abbeville, South Carolina, USA
Age 54
Pasquotank, North Carolina, United States