Josef González de la Rosa Román

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Josef González de la Rosa Román

Birthplace: Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Immediate Family:

Son of Gregorio González and Agustina Román Hernández
Husband of Thomasa Duran de Villafañe y Aranda de la Renta
Father of Sebastián González-de-Villafañe and Josef González de Villafañe Aranda
Brother of Andrés González Román; Lorenzo González Román and Pedro González Román

Managed by: Theresa Renée Eléna Tossas-Cox
Last Updated:

About Josef González de la Rosa Román

Luis Cordero- wrote: [but the date is wrong and possibly also, the mother's second last name]

"Josef was the son of Gregorio Gonzalez de Gracia born around 1770 in Arecibo, PR and his wife Agustina Roman Gonzalez del Rio."

In the comments, under his profile.

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Josef González de la Rosa Román's Timeline

Arecibo, Puerto Rico
July 27, 1730
San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico
October 1, 1737
Arecibo, Puerto Rico