a) MATHILDE de Courtenay ([1254]-Naples 1303). "Eschivatus comes Bigorre dominus de Chabanesio" confirmed the donation of half the county of Bigorre, in furtherance of the agreement made by "Petronilla quondam comitissa Bigorre avia mea" with the consent of "Aalipdis matris mee filie dicte comitisse" and the marriage contract between "dictam dominam Aalipdem matrem meam" and "dominum Radulphum de Courtenayo", to "soror mea Mathildis de Courtenayo filia dictorum Radulfi et Aalipdis" by charter dated Dec 1276[352]. Ctss di Chieti, dame de Pandy et de Neuvy. Her marriage was arranged by Charles I King of Sicily [Anjou-Capet][353]. A charter dated 1297 records the appointment of arbitrators in the dispute between "Mathildis de Courtenaio comitissa Theati uxor…domini Philippi de Flandria, filii…comitis Flandrensis" and "Lora vicecomitissa Turenne domina de Cabanesio soror dicte domine Mathildis" concerning the county of Bigorre, which they had sold to "domina Johanna regina Francie et Navarre"[354]. A charter dated 1 Mar 1298 records the decision of the arbitrators in the dispute between "domina Matildim comitissam Theauti" and "dominam Loram vicecomitissam Turenne dominam de Cabanesio sororem dicte domine Mathildis" concerning the county of Bigorre, deciding that if the county was ever recovered from "domina Johanna regina Francie et Navarre" it should be held by both parties according to their respective shares[355]. She returned to Flanders with her husband in May 1303[356].
m (contract Wijnendaele 1284 before 25 Jun) as his first wife, PHILIPPE de Flandre Conte di Teano, son of GUY Count of Flanders & his first wife Mathilde de Béthune ([1263]-[Naples] [Nov] 1308, bur Naples San Lorenzo Maggiore).
1254 |
1303 |
Age 49