A direct descendant ben acher ben of the original "Sasover Rebbe" whose name was also Reb. Moshe Yehuda Leib Erblich. Moshe Leib Erblich's mother was the daughter of the Reb Shimon Nuta Biderman, the Lelover Rebbe. He was born in Jerusalem. At three years of age his mother died of typhus. His father married another woman and had a daughter whom they named Rikva. Moshe Leib was raised by his grandfather, the Lelover Rebbe as a son in his home and by his uncle Reb Moshe Leib Erblich of Yerushalayim and by his uncle Moshe Mordechai Biderman of Lelov, and by his great grandfather Reb Dovid'l Biderman, the grand Rabbi of Yerushalyim.
In youth he was recognized as having an exceptional voice. He married Bracha Leah Batsheva Ashkenazi the daughter of Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi of Tiveria and daughter of Bobe Charna Weinberg of Slonim (daughter of Reb Noach Weinberg of Slonim, the direct descendant of the "Yesaod HaTorah"). He was a student of the Sfas Emes of Gur, and he became Magid Shiur in Chaye Olam Yeshiva in Jerusalem on the subject of mitzvos Hateluyot Baaretz. He had seven children.
At that time he was offered a job as chazzan of Beit Haknesset Hanassi in Rechavia accompanied by a charedi choir. Congregation Beit Hanassi had such illustrious congregants as HaRav Herzog, HaRav Abba Hillel Rakovsky, HaRav Eliezer Silver, the President of Israel of the time, Yitzchok Ben Tzvi, and Menachem Begin. After performing in may venues all over Israel he achieved the admiration of the chazzanus world and in 1953 gave a major performance in Heichal Yeshiva Meah Shearim where the entire population of Meah Shearim were present, including all circles of Jerusalem at the time.
In 1954 a representative and president of the top shul in London, Dr. Hirsch Brody, of Hendon Hadas, heard him in the Beit Knesset Hanassi and offered him the postion of chazzan in London. In 1956, Reb Moshe Leib gave a massive perfomance with the world reknowed Reb Zalman Rivlin and his choir, where Reb Moshe Leib was crowned as the Yossele Rosenblatt of our times. This Shabbos was especially organized as a farewell performance- as it was the final farewell to the Erblich family before they left to England. (see events)
On the boat he lit Chanuka Lecht, with the entire boat and its Captain on the ship "Jerusalem". The first Shabbos there, he went to Stamford Hill (headed by Rabbi Rabinoff, author of Divrei Shir) to daven for the chazan.
At Victoria Station the shul members met him and brought him into a brand new house across the street from Hendon Hadass (Rabbi Knoblowitz). Both shuls, Stamford Hill (Grove Lane) and Hendon Hadas began to bid for him to be chazzan wanted him. Moshe Leib settled the argument by deciding that the shul that brought him, Hendon Hadas would be the shul that he would daven for. His character was refined and honest. (His family was later sent for).
A direct descendant ben acher ben of the original "Sasover Rebbe" whose name was also Reb. Moshe Yehuda Leib Erblich. Moshe Leib Erblich's mother was the daughter of the Reb Shimon Nuta Biderman, the Lelover Rebbe. He was born in Jerusalem. At three years of age his mother died of typhus. His father married another woman and had a daughter whom they named Rikva. Moshe Leib was raised by his grandfather, the Lelover Rebbe as a son in his home and by his uncle Reb Moshe Leib Erblich of Yerushalayim and by his uncle Moshe Mordechai Biderman of Lelov, and by his great grandfather Reb Dovid'l Biderman, the grand Rabbi of Yerushalyim.
In youth he was recognized as having an exceptional voice. He married Bracha Leah Batsheva Ashkenazi the daughter of Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi of Tiveria and daughter of Bobe Charna Weinberg of Slonim (daughter of Reb Noach Weinberg of Slonim, the direct descendant of the "Yesaod HaTorah"). He was a student of the Sfas Emes of Gur, and he became Magid Shiur in Chaye Olam Yeshiva in Jerusalem on the subject of mitzvos Hateluyot Baaretz. He had seven children.
At that time he was offered a job as chazzan of Beit Haknesset Hanassi in Rechavia accompanied by a charedi choir. Congregation Beit Hanassi had such illustrious congregants as HaRav Herzog, HaRav Abba Hillel Rakovsky, HaRav Eliezer Silver, the President of Israel of the time, Yitzchok Ben Tzvi, and Menachem Begin. After performing in may venues all over Israel he achieved the admiration of the chazzanus world and in 1953 gave a major performance in Heichal Yeshiva Meah Shearim where the entire population of Meah Shearim were present, including all circles of Jerusalem at the time.
In 1954 a representative and president of the top shul in London, Dr. Hirsch Brody, of Hendon Hadas, heard him in the Beit Knesset Hanassi and offered him the postion of chazzan in London. In 1956, Reb Moshe Leib gave a massive perfomance with the world reknowed Reb Zalman Rivlin and his choir, where Reb Moshe Leib was crowned as the Yossele Rosenblatt of our times. This Shabbos was especially organized as a farewell performance- as it was the final farewell to the Erblich family before they left to England. (see events)
On the boat he lit Chanuka Lecht, with the entire boat and its Captain on the ship "Jerusalem". The first Shabbos there, he went to Stamford Hill (headed by Rabbi Rabinoff, author of Divrei Shir) to daven for the chazan.
At Victoria Station the shul members met him and brought him into a brand new house across the street from Hendon Hadass (Rabbi Knoblowitz). Both shuls, Stamford Hill (Grove Lane) and Hendon Hadas began to bid for him to be chazzan wanted him. Moshe Leib settled the argument by deciding that the shul that brought him, Hendon Hadas would be the shul that he would daven for. His character was refined and honest. (His family was later sent for).
על מצבתו נכתב:
"הרה"ח ר' משה יהודא ליב ז"ל בהרה"ח ר' יעקב צבי ז"ל ערבליך הנו"מ רבקה רחל ע"ה בן אחר בן להרה"ק הרמ"ל מסאסוב וחוטר מגזע רבוה"ק הר"ש מניקלשבורג ואחיו בעל ה"פלאה" החוזה מלובלין, היהודי הק' הר"ד מלעלוב ועוד זצוקללה"ה זיע"א כיבד את ד' מגרונו כשליח ציבור למעלה מיובל שנים בכמה קהלות ישראל נלב"ע עש"ק ב' תמוז תנש"א לפ"ק תנצב"ה
1912 |
August 18, 1912
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
1940 |
August 8, 1940
Jerusalem, Israel
1991 |
June 14, 1991
Age 78
monsey, n.y.
???? |