R' Isaac Halpern, A.B.D. Tykocin

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R' Isaac (AB"D Tiktin) Heilprin (Heilperin), ABD Tykocin

Hebrew: ר' יצחק היילפרין אב''ד טיקטין, ABD Tykocin
Also Known As: "Yitzchak Eizik Heilprin"
Birthplace: Lithuania
Death: circa 1673 (54-71)
Immediate Family:

Son of R' Eliezer Lipman Heilprin, A.B.D. Lviv and wife, Eliezer-Lipman Heilpren, [of Lublin]
Husband of Bela Halevi Heilperin and Esther of Stanov
Father of Rabbi Eliezer Lippman Heilprin, A.B.D. of Tarnogrod; David ben Isaac Heilprin; R' Joel Heilprin, Baal Shem Tov of Zamosc, the elder; Isaac Heilprin and Mordechai Ben Isaac Heilprin
Brother of Israel Heilprin, of Krotoschin and Ya'akov Heilprin

Occupation: אב"ד טיקטין
Managed by: Mark Za'k Rowan
Last Updated:

About R' Isaac Halpern, A.B.D. Tykocin

From Brisk


abd tykocin



Possible errors:

1. The identity of Isaac's mother is uncertain.

Rosenstein & Weber [Rosenstein & Weber. The Edelman Hoax. AVOTAYNU Vol XIV, #2 Summer 1998] state that Margola Shor was his mother, while the Daniel Schwab Family Tree (ancestry.com) states that the daughter of Natan Neta Kahana (AB"D Ostraha & Premsla) and Rivka Shachna, was his mother. This tree arbitrarily lists Margola Shor.

2. The identity of Isaac's wife as mother of Mordechai Heilprin is uncertain.

While several sources are known, none is reliable:

Jacob Benjamin Weisburg states that Beila Segal was his wife. The Daniel Schwab Family Tree (Ancestry.com) states that Esther of Satanow, daughter of Leib of Premsla was his wife.

Naftali (Tali) Maimon (Geni.com), as well as the Hill / Chardell Family Tree (Ancestry.com), states that Esther of Stanov, daughter of Hirtz of Stanov, was his wife.

Moreover, the Jacob Heisler Family Tree (Ancestry.com) lists Esther as the mother of Mordechi (b. ca. 1625), while Beila is listed as the mother of Eliezer Lipman (b. 1630), Joel (b. ca. 1635) and David (b. ca. 1635).

This tree arbitrarily follows the Jacob Heisler Family Tree.
