Raoul II de Vexin, count of Vexin , Amiens and Valois (926-943)

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Raoul II de Vexin, count of Vexin , Amiens and Valois (926-943)'s Geni Profile

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Raoul II de Vexin, count of Vexin , Amiens and Valois (926-943)

Birthplace: Cambrai, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Death: 944 (24-33)
In Battle
Immediate Family:

Son of Raoul 1er de Laon, comte de Laon et de Senlis, comte de Vexin, Amiens et Valois and Hildegarde d'Amiens, héritière d'Amiens et Gozdert
Husband of Liégarde, countess of Mantes
Brother of Gautier I, comte du Vexin

Occupation: count of Vexin , Amiens and Valois (926-943)
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Raoul II de Vexin, count of Vexin , Amiens and Valois (926-943)

Raoul II Comte de Valois, d'Amiens et du Vexin

Son of Raoul I de Gouy of Ostrevant (son of Hucbald Comte de Ostrevant) and Adelais (daughter of Charles the Simple, King of the West Franks)

from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20FRANCE.htm

RAOUL [II] (-killed in battle 944). Flodoard records that "Rodulfum filium Rodulfi de Gaugliaco" attempted to invade Vermandois in 943, during the course of which he was killed[852]. Comte de Valois, d'Amiens et du Vexin. He built the fortress of Crépy before 943. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Radulfum Cameracensem comitem" invaded Vermandois, adding that he was "nepos…ex sorore" of Louis IV King of France[853], although the earlier source on which this last piece of information is based has not yet been identified. The History of Waulsort monastery records that "Cameracensis comes Rodulfus…regalis consanguinitatis" invaded the territory of "quatuor Heriberti filios" with the consent of "rege Francorum…avunculo suo" but was expulsed[854], but this confuses Raoul [II] with Raoul, son of Baudouin I Count of Flanders.

m as her first husband, LIEGARDIS Ctss de Meulan et de Mantes, daughter of --- (-12 Nov [990/91]). "Liutgarde veuve du comte Raoul" donated property to Saint-Cyr de Nevers by charter dated Oct 947[855]. She married (after Oct 947) secondly Galeran [Waleran] Comte de Meulan. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified.

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