Richard Marshal, 3rd Earl of Pembroke

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Richard Marshal, 3rd Earl of Pembroke

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Pembroke, Pembroke, Wales
Смерть: 16 апреля 1234 (42-43)
Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kildare, Ireland (Ирландия) (killed)
Место погребения: Kilkenny, Kildare, Ireland
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke и Isabel de Clare, heiress of Pembroke
Муж Gervaise, Vicomtesse de Dinan
Брат William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, Magna Carta Surety; Maud Marshal; Gilbert le Marshall, 4th Earl of Pembroke (Knight Templar); Isabel Marshal, Countess of Cornwall; Anselm Marshal, 6th Earl of Pembroke и ещё 4

Профессия: Seigneur, Comte, Sieur, de Longueville
Менеджер: Living Wilkins
Последнее обновление:

About Richard Marshal, 3rd Earl of Pembroke

FMG (9 May 2022) England, Earls Created 1138-1143

3. RICHARD (-Kilkenny Castle 16 Apr 1234, bur Kilkenny, Church of the Franciscans). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Willihelmus, Richardus, Gilbertus, Walterus et Ancellimus” as sons of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that each succeeded in turn as earl of Pembroke and died without children[1328]. On the death of their father, his older brother ceded his lands in Normandy to Richard, whereby he became Seigneur de Longueville et d'Orbec. He succeeded as Seigneur de Dinan in 1224, de iure uxoris. "Richardus Maresschallus dominus Dinanni et Gervasia eius uxor" confirmed donations to the abbey of Beaulieu by charter dated 1224[1329]. He succeeded his brother in 1231 as Earl of Pembroke, hereditary Master Marshal. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Ricardus frater eius" succeeded as Earl of Pembroke in 1230 after the death of "Willelmus Marescallus"[1330]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1234 of "Ricardus Marescallus" in Ireland[1331]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “in Hibernia XVII Kal Mai” in 1234 of “dominus Ricardus Mariscallus comes Penbrochiæ”[1332].

m (1222) as her third husband, GERVAISE de Vitré Vicomtesse de Dinan, widow firstly of JUHEL Seigneur de Mayenne and secondly of GEOFFROY [I] Vicomte de Rohan, daughter of ALAIN Seigneur de Vitré & his wife Clémence de Fougères (-[1236/41]). "Juhellus dominus Meduanæ et Dinani…Gervasia uxor mea filia Alani de Dinan…Isabella mater mea" founded the abbey of Fontaine-Daniel by charter dated 19 May 1205[1333]. "Juhel seigneur de Mayenne" donated property to the priory of Fontaine-Daniel, for the soul of "Gervaise sa femme", by charter dated 12 Feb 1207, witnessed by "…Isabelle de Mayenne…"[1334]. "Henricus de Avalgor, filius Alani comitis…et Margarita uxor mea" renewed a donation of property to the abbey of Bon-Repos by "Gervasia domina Dinani", for the soul of "bone memorie Gaufridi vicecomitis de Rohan quondam mariti sui", by charter dated 1229[1335]. "Richardus Maresschallus dominus Dinanni et Gervasia eius uxor" confirmed donations to the abbey of Beaulieu by charter dated 1224[1336]. "Gervasia domina de Dynan" confirmed donations by "bone memorie Juhelli de Meduana quondam mariti nostri" to Saint-Aubin-des-Bois by charter dated 1235[1337]. "Gervasia domina Dynanni" donated property to Saint-Aubin-des-Bois after the death of "bone memorie Richardi Marischallis, quondam mariti mei" by charter dated 1236[1338]. Her date of death is confirmed by the charter dated 1241 under which "Droco de Melloto, Locharam et Meduane dominus" [her son-in-law] wrote to "fratri suo domino Henrico de Avalgor", naming "bone memorie domine Gervasie"[1339].,_3rd_Earl_of_Pembroke

Richard Marshal, 3rd Earl of Pembroke (1191 – 16 April 1234) was the brother of William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, whom he succeeded to the Earldom of Pembroke and Lord Marshal of England upon his brothers death on 6 April 1231.

He held lands in Longueville, France, in Wales and also in Ireland.

Richard Marshal came to the fore as the leader of the baronial party, and the chief antagonist of the foreign friends of King Henry III of England, notably Poitevin Peter des Roches, Bishop of Winchester and Peter de Rivaux. Fearing their treachery, he refused to visit King Henry III at Gloucester in August 1233, and King Henry declared him a traitor. In March 1234, a truce was reached between the king and Marshal, the condition of which was the removal of Peter de Rivaux from court. In the meanwhile, however, conflict had broken out in Ireland between Marshal's brothers and some of the king's supporters.

Hostilities followed, and Richard made an alliance with the Welsh Llywelyn the Great. He crossed from Wales to Ireland, where Peter des Roches had allegedly instigated his enemies to attack him, and in April 1234 he was overpowered and wounded at the Battle of the Curragh by forces led by Maurice FitzGerald, Justiciar of Ireland and died of wounds on 16 April 1234 while being held prisoner. Marshal's popularity also meant that his death was mourned in England, while the Poitevins – who were rumoured to have instigated the Irish war – fell further into disregard.

He had married Gervaise de Dinan, daughter of Alan de Dinan, Baron de Dinan, and did not produce any offspring. He was buried at Kilkenny and was succeeded by his brother Gilbert.

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Хронология Richard Marshal, 3rd Earl of Pembroke

Pembroke, Pembroke, Wales
16 апреля 1234
Возраст 43
Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, Kildare, Ireland (Ирландия)
17 апреля 1234
Возраст 43
Kilkenny, Kildare, Ireland