Robert * "Der Huher" Faller (Valer) is John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset's 12th great granddaughter's husband's fifth cousin once removed's wife's 6th great grandfather. John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
→ Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset his son → Lady Margaret Darell, Countess of Stafford his daughter → Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham her son → Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham his son → Lady Mary Neville, Baroness Abergavenny his daughter → Mary Neville Thursby, Baroness of Dacre her daughter → Lady Margaret Fiennes, 11th Baroness Dacre her daughter → Sir Henry Lennard, 12th Baron Dacre her son → Barbara Stapleton his daughter → Phillip Stapleton, II her son → Robert P Stapleton his son → Elizabeth Keltner his daughter → Anna Catherine Roush her daughter → Sarah "Sally" Will her daughter → Michael Will her husband → Johannes Georg Will, Sr his father → Anna Christina Will his mother → Andreas Wolfgang Meixsel her father → Johann Wolfgang Meixell his father → Salome Meixel his mother → Rosina Faller her mother → Christof Wagner her father → Rosina Hummel / Kirner /Faller / Wagner his daughter → Lorenz Hummel * her son → Mathäus* Theubeus Hummel * his son → Jacob Hummel * his son → Ursula Koning Fehrenbach * his daughter → Johann Fehrenbach her son → Maria * Fehrenbach, 7 g his wife → Magdelina * Fehrenbach, 8 g her mother → Georgius * Faller her father → STOFFEL* Christoph Faller, 10 g his father → Jacob * H #3 Faller, 11 g his father → Theis Faller his father → Thoman Faller his father → Hans Wilhelm Faller his father → Robert * "Der Huher" Faller (Valer) his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path No blood relationship was found.
ADD PHOTO Robert * "Der Huher" Faller (Valer) German: Furtwängler Gender: Male Birth: estimated before 1535 Immediate Family: Husband of Margaret Faller (Valer) Father of Hans Wilhelm Faller Margaret Faller (Valer) wife Hans Wilhelm Faller son
1460 |
Furtwangen Im Schwarzwald, Freiburg, BW, Germany
1475 |
Oberfallengrundhof 1, Furtwangen Im Schwarzwald, Freiburg, BW, 78120, Germany
1500 |
Age 40
Furtwangen Im Schwarzwald, Freiburg, BW, Germany