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Sanna Maria Jaakontytär Kannasto (Mahlakallio)

Also Known As: "Kallio"
Birthplace: Ylihärmä, Finland
Death: February 15, 1968 (92)
Port Arthur, Thunder Bay District, ON, Canada
Place of Burial: Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON, Canada
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jaakko Erkinpoika Mahlakallio and Maria Wilhelmina Kaapontytär Mahlakallio
Ex-partner of J.V. Kannasto
Mother of Victor John Kannasto and Baby Kannasto
Sister of Gabriel Mahlakallio; Jaakko Jaakonpoika Mahlakallio; Liisa Wilhelmina Mahlakallio; Ida Sofia Mahlakallio; Juho Kustaa Kallio and 4 others

Managed by: Jouni Alkula
Last Updated:

About Sanna Kannasto

Sanna Kannasto was a foremost educator and organizator of the Finnish Organization of Canada.
Lindström, Varpu: Defiant Sisters, Toronto 1992:147-152

Hurjia suomalaisia, jakso 3.

Ylihärmä , Syntyneet, 1850-1881 - Kuva 215; SSHY: / Viitattu 30.12.2022

Ylihärmä , Rippikirja, 1873-1882 - Kuva 163; SSHY: / Viitattu 30.12.2022

Ylihärmä rippikirja 1884-1893 (MKO44-63) Sivu 527 Kosola no 6 Luoma ; SSHY / Viitattu 06.09.2021 - Lapua 1894

Lapua rippikirja 1889-1898 (MKO186-202_I) Sivu 249 Kirkonkylä 12 Saarenpää ; SSHY / Viitattu 14.09.2024

Sanna Maria Mahlakallio
Rekisteri Passiluettelo
Passin päivämäärä 07.04.1898
Syntymäaika 1875
Asuinpaikka Lapua
Kohdemaa Amerikka

No arrival document or other records have been discovered about Sanna Mahlakallio’s early years in the USA, or her connection to J.V. Kannasto.

Several border crossing documents refer to brother Johan Kallio, Prince Rupert, BC.

Canada Census 1921 Gorham Township, Tarmola-North Branch

Death notice Port Arthur News-Chronicle Kannasto, Sanna (Mrs.) 92 15 Feb 1968 PA 20 Feb 1968 p.3

Pikku-uutinen kuolemasta (A.T. Hill)

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Sanna Kannasto's Timeline

September 26, 1875
Ylihärmä, Finland
April 6, 1910
Port Arthur, Thunder Bay District, ON, Canada
November 11, 1912
Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON, Canada
February 15, 1968
Age 92
Port Arthur, Thunder Bay District, ON, Canada
Riverside Cemetery, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, ON, Canada