Immediate Family
About Theodor Weiss
Theodor WEISS: b. 18 June 1857, Brünn - d. after 9 Oct 1942, Theresienstadt?, HOLOCAUST
Information courtesy of various sources, including the following:
Theodor WEISS was evidently a highly celebrated actor so it is particularly excruciating not only that he suffered such a tragic end to his life but that many details about him - and his death - appear to be largely unknown today.
The fact that his listing as a Holocaust victim is inexplicably under a variant surname surely also contributes to confusion and lack of clarity.
N.B. so far the only example of his surname as "WEIHS" found here:
ANNO, Neues Wiener Journal, 1934-07-10, Seite 4
There are several biographies about him on the internet:
Theodor Weiss
Theodor Weiss wurde am 18. Juni 1857 in Brünn geboren.
Er sollte Kaufmann werden, ging aber zum Theater. Nach Beendigung des Schauspielunterrichtes betrat er 1878 als Schönemann in „Ultimo“ in der Stadt Steyr zum ersten mal die Bühne. Dann führte ihn sein Weg über Brünn, Salzburg, Ischl, Budapest und Hamburg an das Berliner Theater. Im Jahre 1891 ging er an das Deutsche Volkstheater in Wien. Theodor Weiß, der auch ein vortrefflicher Sprecher war, wirkte teils in der Klassik, teils in modernen Stücken und spielte ernste und humoristische Charakterrollen mit eindringlicher Schärfe.
Der Schauspieler Theodor Weiss begann seine Laufbahn beim Theater, wo er erstmals für das Stück "Ultimo" in Steyr auf der Bühne stand. Es folgten u.a. Engagements in Brünn, Salzburg, Budapest, Hamburg und Wien.
Beim Film war er nur selten im Einsatz, erstmals bereits 1911 in "Der Müller und sein Kind" (11).
In den nächsten Jahren folgten wenige weitere Stummfilme mit "Freier Dienst" (18), "Die Jüdin von Toledo" (19), "Enis Aldjelis, die Blume des Ostens" (20) und "Die trennende Brücke" (22).
In den Jahren des 2. Weltkrieges wurde er 1942 als Jude deportiert und umgebracht.
None of them can really do him justice, whereas there are innumerable mentions and lengthy articles about him in newspapers of the era, not only in praise of his professional work but clearly showing that there was a public interest in him as a person - several pieces concern milestones in his private life such as significant birthdays or his and his wife's Golden Wedding, as well as various honours bestowed on him by notable figures of the times.
These include eg.
Father Theodor WEISS and daughter Nelly WEISS appear together at an event celebrating "Tausend Jahre deutsche Dichtung":
ANNO, Neue Freie Presse, 1918-10-02, Seite 8
To mark his 40 years anniversary of appearing on stage:
ANNO, Neues 8 Uhr Blatt, 1921-01-07, Seite 4
Marking the actor's 75th birthday:
ANNO, Arbeiter Zeitung, 1932-06-18, Seite 10
Press articles paying tribute to him on his 80th. birthday:
ANNO, Der Morgen. Wiener Montagblatt, 1937-06-21, Seite 10
ANNO, Der Tag, 1937-06-19, Seite 8
ANNO, Neues Wiener Tagblatt (Tages-Ausgabe), 1936-07-18, Seite 9
And again:
ANNO, Neues Wiener Tagblatt (Tages-Ausgabe), 1937-06-27, Seite 12
This article about Theodor WEISS's 80th birthday also makes mention of daughter Nelly WEISS:
ANNO, Neues Wiener Tagblatt (Tages-Ausgabe), 1937-06-16, Seite 11
There's an engaging photo of him here:
ANNO, Das interessante Blatt, 1937-06-24, Seite 21
And another one here:
ANNO, Der Tag, 1937-06-19, Seite 12
Details from actual IKG-Brünn birth registration, viewable courtesy of:
"Israel" b. 18.06.1857
Father: Hermann WEISS
Mother: Käthe née SCHÖN
Copious notes in right margin that changed name from Israel to Theodor.
Details of deportation and subsequent death courtesy of:
WohnortWien 2, Novaragasse 40/29
Mehr Information
Nicht überlebt
Quelle: Shoah-Opfer
And also -
Theodor Weihs | Database of victims | Holocaust
Born 18. 06. 1857
Last residence before deportation: Wien 2, Novaragasse 40/29
Transport IV/13, no. 1286 (Vienna -> Terezín)
Murdered Terezín
N.B. It is not at all clear why the surname is listed as WEIHS instead of WEISS, or why each of the three deported family members were apparently at different addresses in Vienna.
The last home address given for Theodor WEISS in the 1938 Wien address book of LEHMANN:
Wienbibliothek / Retrodigitalisierung / 1938 [1440]
WEISS Theodor, Schauspieler, Wien VII, Burggasse 22
It's also most unfortunate that there appears to be no precise record of Theodor's death in Theresienstadt, although it appears he might still have been alive at the time his wife Irma died as he's noted on her death certificate.
The actual deportation listing is displayed in Arolsen Archives:
And it shows all 3 family members grouped together under the surname "WEIHS", with mother and daughter described as "Haushalt" and Theodor as "Schauspieler".
Theodor Weiss's Timeline
1857 |
June 18, 1857
Brünn, Brno, Brno-město, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
1886 |
1942 |
October 9, 1942
Age 85
Theresienstadt, Terezín, Litoměřice District, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic
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