5. BERNHARD (-[1044/51]). "Bernhardo" is named as son of "Teoderici ducis et marchionis" in the Annalista Saxo, which also specifies that he was avunculus of Dietrich Graf von Merseburg[12]. He was appointed as BERNHARD Markgraf der Nordmark in 1009. m ---. The name and origin of Bernhard´s wife is not known. Baumgarten states that she was --- Vladimirovna, illegitimate daughter of Vladimir Sviatoslavich "Velikiy/the Great" Grand Prince of Kiev & his mistress ---. He cites a single German secondary source, dated to 1722, but this in fact makes no mention of Bernhard´s wife[13]. The authority for his statement is therefore unknown and it is preferable to assume that it is incorrect until further information comes to light. Mistress (1): ---, a Slav. The name of Bernhard's mistress is not known. The primary source which confirms her Slav origin has not yet been identified. Markgraf Bernhard & his wife had [five] children: