William Katainen

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Vilho "William" Katainen

Also Known As: "Ville"
Birthplace: Karvasalmi 2, Lapinlahti, Finland
Death: December 19, 1961 (76)
Haney, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada
Place of Burial: Maple Ridge, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada
Immediate Family:

Son of Wilhelm Katainen and Johanna Ollikainen
Husband of Minda Katainen
Father of Taito William Katainen; Terttu Viola Katainen; Helmi Sylvia Shaughnessy; Tenho Peter Katainen and Violet Bokstrom
Brother of Anna Eveliina Hakkarainen; Maria Sofia Katainen; Ada Katainen; Peter Katainen; Johannes Katainen and 3 others

Managed by: Jouni Alkula
Last Updated:

About William Katainen

Lapinlahti lastenkirja 1891-1900 (MKO71-90 I Ab:8) Sivu 24 Karvasalmi no2 ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1877... / Viitattu 05.08.2022

Ville Katainen
Registry Passport records
Passport date 12.04.1910
Date of birth 1885
Residence Lapinlahti
Destination country Amerikka

Wilho Katainen
Registry Passenger lists
Destination Port Arthur
Destination country CDN
Destination state ON
Date of departure 27.04.1910

Death 1961 Haney, Maple Ridge, BC



The Katainen residence: https://fraseropolis.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/heritage-resources..., pages 154-155

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William Katainen's Timeline

December 12, 1885
Karvasalmi 2, Lapinlahti, Finland
March 31, 1917
Websters Corners, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada
September 1, 1918
Maple Ridge, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada
January 4, 1923
Websters Corners, Greater Vancouver, BC, Canada
December 19, 1961
Age 76
Haney, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada
Maple Ridge Cemetery, Maple Ridge, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada