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Wilma Basson (born Greyling)'s Geni Profile

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Wilma Basson (Greyling)

Current Location:: Australia
Birthplace: South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joseph Philippus (Seph) Greyling and Maria Prinsloo (Mitsie)
Wife of Private
Mother of Private and Private
Sister of Private

Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Wilma Basson (born Greyling)

Hi dear all - if I do not answer you immediately, I aim to do so a bit later. (If I maybe forget - please just kindly contact me again and remind me please! Thanks.

I see myself as a lifelong passionate amateur genealogy hobbyist and what I have in data, is always works in progress and thus are always under constant construction and review!

My big Geni aim - is to eventually try and get documents of each of my profiles. (Yes - I know we work on a collaborative combined tree!) I would never use only My Heritage trees, or any other private family trees as solid document reference - but more use those sites, as a guide for research, to eventually get to docs.

My long term genealogy aim is to evolve in this hobby, by trying to adhere to high-quality research with solid genealogical proof, containing these five elements:

1. reasonably exhaustive research; 2. complete and accurate source citations; 3. analysis and correlation of the collected information; 4. resolution of any conflicting evidence; and 5. a soundly reasoned, coherently written conclusion. (I know I am not even nearly there yet!)

I have still soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to do - there is so little time and there is still so much to learn and understand! Patience please!

I am however in my quest - not at all interested in any nastiness or catty fights, about any data - rightly or wrongly interpreted, or typed in anywhere on Geni!

Let's solve our combined tree and shared profiles in peace and keep it fun, while digging out our facts together!

You are very welcome to let me know, if I have made any mistakes. I always say - Geni keeps me very humble and on my knees, on a daily basis!

Should you then see any errors, or have any photos, documents, dates or any other information you would like to add, correct, or update, please contact me and let's discuss, so the relevant profile can be amended. Kindly just do not delete any of my profiles. Let's first chat about any possible errors! Thank you. Much appreciated!

I am also learning how to interpret my dad's DNA and other's results. This is all very interesting and important and I would just love to connect those lines and dots to you all .... so let's have compassion toward each other and let us build our tree together, remembering that we are all human and that we can all make mistakes! Let's stay humble and kind in our interaction, while working on Geni. Fortunately mistakes can always be amended as well!

Let us thus all please patiently - aim to leave those big egos, unnecessary personal attacks and nasty comments out of it! I will not be drawn into any fighting here! We are after all, on different levels of Geni technical know how and we also need to remember that we are maybe not all on the same level of research experience. I promise that I will however never harm, or vandalise any data or profiles, on purpose.

I will again conclude in stating - that I strongly believe that good manners and respect, always go a very long way, on collaborative platforms like this! I repeat that I do not like fighting or conflict and I will not be part of any of that on Geni, no matter what!

Happy hunting!


Wilma Basson (born Greyling)