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Šeduva, Lithuania. ( Alternate names: Šeduva [Lith], Shadeve [Yid], Shadova [Rus], Szadów [Pol], Schadow [Ger], Shedeva, Sheduva, Šeduvos, Šedova, Šedava)

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Šeduva is a city in the Radviliškis district municipality, Lithuania. Russian: Шадов. Yiddish: שאַדעווע []

23 miles W of Panevėžys (Ponevezh), 21 miles ESE of Šiauliai (Shavl). Šeduva was an agricultural town dealing in cereals, flax and linseed, pigs and geese and horses, at the site of a royal estate and beside a road from Kaunas to Riga.

Town, District, Province, Country data

  • Before WWI (c. 1900): Shadova Shavli Kovno Russian Empire
  • Between the wars (c. 1930): Šeduva Panevėžys Lithuania
  • After WWII (c. 1950): Šeduva Soviet Union
  • Today (c. 2000): Šeduva Lithuania