Charles Campbell's Party
1820 Settlers
Main reference The Settler Handbook by MD Nash
Additional information from South African Settlers
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General Charles Campbell arranged with 47 persons, mainly in Argyll, for their emigration. A division of 13 of these, led by Cypress Messer, sailed in Mary Ann Sophia. They were located on an arm of the Kasouga River, the location being named Barville Park.
They were followed by 17 others in Dowson.
General Campbell brought a further 18 in Salisbury in 1821.
Party Details
Leader - Gen. Charles Campbell
- Number 50
- Party originated from Argyll, Scotland
- Area Allocated to the Party Barville Park, at Rietfontein on the Kasouga River
1820 Settler Ship :
Mary Ann Sophia
- Departed London, January 1820
- Number 13
- Arrival Simon's Bay, Cape Town - 1st May 1820
- Final Port - Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth - 15 May 1920
- Area Allocated to the Party Barville Park, at Rietfontein on the Kasouga River
1820 Settler Ship :
Sir George Osborn
- Departed
- Number Advance party of 7 men
- Arrival July 1820
- Final Port Algoa Bay
- Area
1820 Settler Ship :
- Departed London, June 1820
- Number 16, comprising Charles Campbell's men plus Individual Private Settlers
- Arrival
- Final Port
- Area Allocated to the Party Barville Park, at Rietfontein on the Kasouga River
1820 Settler Ship :
- Departed The Downs, Deal, Kent, England, 14 Aug 1821
- Number 20, comprising Charles Campbell's plus Individual Private Settlers
- Arrival Table Bay, Cape Town - 8 December 1821
- Final Port Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth - 15 January 1822
- Area Allocated to the Party Barville Park, at Rietfontein on the Kasouga River
Charles Campbell died shortly after arrival and Cypress Messer took charge. The party had dispersed by 1825 and the location was granted to Mary, widow of General Campbell.
There is a letter from Charles Campbell Junior written in 1827, in which the death of his father is mentioned - My Father (Major General Charles CAMPBELL) died at the Cape about 4 years since...
M.D. Nash 1987 - Settler Handbook
"Directed by Major-General Charles Collins Campbell of 3 Durham Place, Lambeth (now part of Greater London), a former Commander of the Forces in Newfoundland. General Campbell had nine children from his second marriage and a young family by his third wife, whom he had married in Newfoundland in 1816.
After initially proposing that he should emigrate at the head of a volunteer regiment of infantry, to guard the settlers against 'the hostile irruptions of the natives', General Campbell undertook to take 100 families to the Cape at his own expense. He agreed to pay all the costs of transporting and locating his settlers, and was to receive no assistance from government other than a grant of land in the proportion of 100 acres for every able-bodied man. This party fell outside the terms of the emigration scheme, but an extensive area of land was reserved for it within the Albany settlement.
An advance party of seven men, with Campbell's bailiff Cypress Messer in charge, sailed for the Cape in the Mary Ann Sophia in January 1820 and was sent on to Algoa Bay in the Sir George Osborn. Their instructions were to build a house for the General and begin cultivation. They were followed in June by a second small party, which included at least one of General Campbell's sons, in the Dowson. General Campbell himself, with his wife and younger children and a final contingent of seven settlers, left the Downs on 14 August 1821 in the Salisbury, which arrived in Table Bay on 8 December.
The party was located on a 10 000-acre estate at Rietfontein, on an arm of the Kasouga River. The location was named Barville Park. General Campbell died in May 1822, and since the promised large number of settlers had not materialised, a portion only of the location was granted to his widow".
Members of Charles Campbell's Party
Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes
By the Mary Ann Sophia :
William Anderson Labourer.
Cypress Messer 60. Shipwright (General Campbell's agent).
William Philipson. Mason.
Henry Sharp
Thomas Stanborough
John Talbot
William Wead
By the Dowson:
Charles Campbell 24.
Henry Charles Campbell 23. (son of Charles Campbell)
Ambrose George Campbell 21. Surgeon. (son of Charles Campbell)
William Fischer
Maurice Garcia 31.
Philip Lucas 44.
Wife: Isabella Phillips.
- Philip William Lucas 19. (Later married Sarah Maria Bisset of Willson's Party.)
- Frederick Lucas 17
- Charlotte Francis Lucas12
Ely Mills 25. d.2 Aug 1822
William Power http://www.southafricansettlers.com/?p=1452
Henry Scott http://www.southafricansettlers.com/?p=1623
Thomas Ungell
Charles Lucas 32. http://www.southafricansettlers.com/?p=1163
Wife Elizabeth Wilson.
E Morse Jones lists Charles Lucas, aged 32, and his wife Elizabeth as members of the party. Their names are not on the Colonial Department list.
By the Salisbury:
Robert Brady
Joseph Broadbent, and son
Wife Mary Harriet Andrews
(Later married Rhoda Trollip of Hyman's Party.)
Thomas Field
Thomas Norris
Robert Wybrow or Whybone
William Wybrow or Whybone
This agrees with the list of passengers by the Salisbury: as given in the Cape Town Gazette of 15 December 1821. The Colonial Department's list omits Aigton and includes William Cumming. Neither list specifies the names of General Campbell's children who accompanied their parents, and it has been assumed that all the younger children did so.
Main sources for party list
Letters of Major-General Campbell to the Colonial Department (Public Record Office, London, CO 48/42); Letters from the Colonial Department to the Acting Governor (Cape Archives 1/AY 8/5); Inventory of Major-General Campbell's estate (Cape Archives MOOC 8/37 no 47).
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